When I try to print coupons now the activeX control does not come up for me to install in my information bar. This has just started I am running windows xp. Has anyone else ran into this problem?
1. What browser are you using? IE? Firefox? ...etc... 2. Where are you printing the coupons from (web site) and have you printed the same coupon before? Some sites save a "cookie" or another file to your PC that prevents you from printing more than once. Some remove the Active X control from loading. More and more sites are adding security features to prevent multiple printings. I would tell you how to fix "that" problem but there are currently 2 DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) law suits against people who gave that info out on the web already. It's a DMCA violation to tell people how to delete files from their hard drive to circumvent security features? 3. ActiveX controls are actually small Windows programs running in the context of the Web page. Check your security settings in the browser.
I use IE and have been printing coupons from the same sites until about 2 weeks ago and now this. Here is a ex-- http://coupons.smartsource.com//index.aspx?Link=5S2ZUA6PWPEPO I get emails weekly with coupons so its not a problem I don't think, of having already printed them What does the security setting need to be in the browser? I haven't changed anything.
Try adding the Web site to the Trusted Sites zone in Internet Explorer. To do that, follow these steps in Internet Explorer: Open Internet Explorer: 1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. 2. On the Security tab, click "Trusted Sites", and then click "Sites". 3. Under "Add this website to the zone", type the URL, for example:http://coupons.smartsource.com, of the Web site that you want to add. 4. Click Add, and then click Close. Close IE and reopen it and go to the site and try printing the coupon.