I bought a laptop at AnythingPC about two years ago. Less than a year later one of the memory slots went bad. I wanted to see if anything could be done about it so I took it back. Almost two weeks and $45 later they said "Your memory slot is bad". Well NO S#!T SHERLOCK! They were actually proud that they could provide me with such a valuable service for only $45. Less than a year later, the motherboard died. I went back last week and ask if they could give me a really good deal on a used motherboard (thinking they might want to save a customer who had a bad experience) Nope. Their response was - our computers have a 90 day warranty. If you want a mobo you'll have to pay full price ...take it or leave it. Yes I understand I took a risk buying a used laptop with a 90 day warranty. My gripe is that they couldn't care less. Their attitude has been rotten from the start. On two occassions I've seen them arguing with other customers. I will never go there again and I'm posting this as a warning for everyone else. Stay away from AnythingPC!
Ken pretty much said it all. Sorry to hear about your misfortune. You buy trouble, or short term use when you buy a used laptop without an extended warranty. Post "all" the numbers off the unit and I'll do some checking for you on a cheap motherboard. Ken's almost got me convinced to switch completely over to linux too. I just can't stand the fact that I'm going to have to leave my Win 2000 Pro behind because of lack of software support soon, and I'll be forced to load Win XPuke or even woorse Win Media 2005. (Microsoft Executives Doing It Again 2005) DDRdan "If Microsoft keeps building software for idiots, all were're going to have is idiots"
Watch it ddrdan! I have evidence that Ken (aka Sergio) is a South American undercover operative working for the BLF - Brazilian Linux Front. :wink: :lol: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/02/10/south_america_open_source/
Personally go with the people here like Dr Dan or me. We charge for our services yet we contribute billable information up here on a regular basis for free. Why because we love doing this stuff, so a new challenge is just too much temptation to not try to be the first to answer. It also has the kick back of being a great form of grassropots word of mouth advertising. Ken[/quote] What, no mention of me!??? I am very disappointed. I must scare you!!!! LOL just kidding.
Thanks ddrdan. Its a Dell Latitude CPx, Model number PPX, Latitude C Family, Reference number 99080, IC Class: B ICES-3 I'm pretty sure the processor was 500Mhz. The cheapest mobo I've been able to find is $75, but I don't know anything about the companies. I assumed that as long as it was a 500Mhz from a CPx, it would work. Am I right or wrong?
I will put in a personal recommendation for Romworks. He diagnosed my problem (as did others on this forum) and provided me with the parts and services I needed quickly and at a reasonable price. He explained things in terms I could understand. And he followed up on his service, at no additional charge, to help me work out a few remaining issues I had.
I've found some boards without the CPU that were around $60. But unless your going to do the work yourself the final cost to replace will exceed the cost of just buying another used one. I've seen some great deals on used ones at Craigs List lately. The cheapest new laps run about $600.
Thanks ddrdan. That price sounds about right for the ones I've found. Yea, I'll be doing the work myself. I've already taken it apart ...every little piece. A friend said I couldn't do it without breaking something, but I didn't have a single problem. There's never been too many things I couldn't fix. I figured what have I got to lose, it doesn't work anyway. This made things a little easier.
Hon, sorry about that. My DH said the same thing about it. He checked it out and said we wouldn't be shoppin' there. Granted he knows his stuff but when the "experts" know less than him, it's time to walk on! Frogger