Over the past week the Sober.X virus has been propogating across the Interent, causing a huge amount of mail problems (it travels as a ZIP file attachment.) If you've seen messages with the following subject lines, then you've seen the Sober.X: Your Password Registration Confirmation smtp mail failed Mail delivery failed hi, ive a new mail address You visit illegal websites Your IP was logged Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie A very detailed description of the virus (along with removal tools) can be found here: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.sober.x@mm.html
Oh, you are KIDDING me?! When I don't recognize the sender, I erase it. In OE, however, it opens the message. Can the virus come from the message, or do you have to open the attachment? That may be what happened to me, if so. I never opened any attachments, tho. Froggie