Disscusion Board for Business?

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by traveler, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. traveler

    traveler Well-Known Member

    I am wondering if it is possible to set up a Discussion Board (just like these) for use with a 'business'? I would a link from an existing web page that of course said "discussion board" that offered all the agents access, to a private board.

    How would I go about getting started with this, how much work is involved in managing it, and how much $$ is involved?

    I am getting some preliminary information together so I can pitch it to the mail office. Becuase as of now each time one of us has a 'help' question we want the other agents to see we have to e-mail it to the main office, then they do a blast e-mail to everyone. It obviously would be easier to have a "board".

    Thanks for the guidance and input!

  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    These folks have done it and in the “Quality Field” it is very popular, the administrator may be able to address some of your questions.


    My employer was interested in doing this until I posed a few questions for him:

    1) Unless you reach critical mass the tool is going to die, how are we going to get enough people to the site on a regular basis?
    2) Who is going to oversee the site (we are small firm of 8 folks and I am already putting in about 60 hours a week)?
    3) What are you going to do if somebody post unflattering things about the company on the site? If you remove it you might just encourage them to start their own site?
    4) What happens when Politics (or other similar items) raises its ugly head, as Ken has stated it almost always does?
  3. traveler

    traveler Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for the input, but webbie was the quickest to the keys.

    I'll keep you in mind Dev if it does not work out with webbie or if I need any other puter related service, and hught good points, I have worked them into my presentation.

    Thanks - Traveler

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