Ever feel insignificant - that no one really cares about you? Well, brace yourself. You're wrong. http://www.tangle.com/view_video?viewkey=889d6689e4545c2ed0a0 Imagine that! The Creator of the Universe knows you by your name!
Kent, no offense, but I never feel that way. DH kisses me before he leaves for work tells me he loves me and when he comes home, he calls me during work just to say I love you. I talk to my mom almost every day and we say "I love you" at the end of every converstation. I am the luckiest girl on the planet. PS... your car picture is on my new website. :mrgreen: Thank you sweetie!
No offense at all, sister! Glad my pic worked out for you. One of these days I'm gonna pop in on one of the group get togethers. They sound like a lot of fun.
You HAVE to!!! We are such a loving family (you wouldn't know it from the posts) and have a great time meeting each other. your car is here .... http://www.aciraleigh.com/ResidentialSecuritySystems.html Bottom of the page! Thanks so much! (note to the people, I advertise here, so hush)
In my best Ric Flair voice: Whoooooo! There's my trusty steed! 74,000 and counting. Those Dodge Chargers ain't got nothing on my girl!
They didn't get you a new car yet??? Want me to call someone for you? :boxing: Heck my 01 Maxima can outrun that old car. :lol::lol:
I have a husband who is like that too. But I still get feeling like no one cares in other areas of my life. My mom is gone now and I miss her DREADFULLY. At work, I feel like that no one would even know I was there unless I just decided to not show up one day and not call. And the only reason they'd be concerned is because they'd have to take more appointments. I should say "who cares". But it can be very disconcerting. Please keep me in your prayers all! It all may just be a pre-menopausal issue for all I know.....:lol:
Love it! :hurray: I can't recall the scripture to reference right now, but remember something about God naming the stars, each one. That was such an awesome thought for me. Gotta go look that one up. Thanks!
I lost my mama too, almost 20 years now without her. I know how you feel and how you miss her. I miss my mom every single day. It is hard to find the strength some days, but there are more people who care for you than you know. I don't even know you and I care that you are hurting. You are in my prayers. PM me if you need a shoulder!
Isaiah 40:26. I miss my mama too. 9 years and I think about her every day. Found some of her stuff today that I forgot that I had stashed in a box. Nice memories but I sure miss talking to her.
We don't know how many days here on earth we have left with anyone in our lives, but we know God will never leave us nor forsake us.