I have a Sony VAIO computer (see specs below) and recently upgraded my 200 GB HD to a 500 GB HD (seemed like a perfect time to do this since my factory installed hard drive crashed). When performing the VAIO System Recovery on the new HD, Sony wants to default the c drive partition to 15 GB and put the remaining HD space on the d drive. Now I'm worried that I am getting too low on c drive space (only have 3.5 GB left from the 15 GB allotted to c drive). I don't want to have to go through the whole recovery process again to increase the partition and reload my OS, windows updates, Sony updates, applications, etc. It took almost two days to get it to the point I have it now. Could I possibly use a program like Norton Partition Magic to increase the partition drive space on c drive without having to reload EVERYTHING? I welcome any reformatting suggestions as I'm quite a newbie to this kind of stuff. Thanks.
There's a reason they keep the C drive small. It keeps the OS running better, quicker boots, quicker disk clean up, quicker defrags, quicker spyware scans ...etc... It's like sweeping a 600 sf home or a 10,000 sf home, which is quicker? In lieu of increasing the boot drive size start rearranging your directories. Stop saving to the "C" drive. Develop a comprehensive directory on the "D" drive and set your various software to choose the "D" to save to. Loading software you will use, but only on occasion? Choose the "D" drive when loading it. Move all that music, documents and pictures to the "D" drive. Start thinking "small is good" when loading the boot drive. PS: Did you do a disk clean-up after you reloaded your OS? Try that and you'll get a lot of space back. Lot's of "temp" files implimented during that process that don't delete themselves.
I ran a disk clean-up and defragmented and yes it did help free up some space. I will continue to do this as needed. Thank you so much for your input and suggestions. Another question I have is....when a software application does not give you the option to change your drive install destination folder, is there a way to change it later? One application that quickly comes to mind is Yahoo. I don't recall it giving me the option to change the folder install from "c" to my "d" drive. Thanks for any suggestions.