Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Kalligraphy By Kimberly, Jan 9, 2007.


Change the CAT/DOG thread to another title...

Poll closed Feb 8, 2007.
  1. YES! Rename it to be "FUR, FEATHERS & FINS" to accommodate more folks.

  2. NO! Leave it just the way it is! I like the status-quo & don't care about other folks!

  1. How about renaming this main topic of discussion: *FUR, FEATHERS & FINS* or something else to that effect? :idea: Not all of us just only have "cat/dog" babies! 8) Some of us also have pets of the feathered or finned persuasion who are also of relevance to this main topic of discusson! ;) I have all 3 types LOL! No telling how many other folks might have pets of a different skin, like snakes or other exotics! So how about it? :?:

    Kalligraphy By Kimberly
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    This is a pretty narrow minded poll, there should be an option of something along the lines of the name doesn't bother me and why fix something that ain't broke without insulting other people. i personally have no problem with the name of the thread even though i have birds, ferrets, fish, and dogs and that does not mean i don't care about other people. i think that pretty much explains why so few voted.
  3. Sorry Kaci

    Sorry Kaci, I didn't mean to insult. :oops:

    How about if I delete the poll (if I can find the button and figure out how to do that) and you set up a new one? :confused:

    I like your idea and I think you could set up a better poll! :)

    I'll certainly vote in it. So how 'bout it? :?:

    Abundant Blessings!
    Kalligraphy By Kimberly
  4. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    What does it matter what the name of the forum is? Just not getting this thread. :confused:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2007
  5. MsQ

    MsQ Guest

    How about leave Kaci alone and you finish up your 87 page personal web site on AOL.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  7. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    :shock: :shock:
  8. > How about leave Kaci alone

    Excuse me but I was very sincere in what I posted to Kaci! And like I said, I'm still trying to figure out how to delete the poll I started LOL! In any event, thank you for visiting my site! 8)

    Abundant Blessings!
    Kalligraphy By Kimberly
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Wow, didn't mean to start anything and Kimberly, i really don't see a reason for starting a poll due to the fact that, i for one, am perfectly happy with the name of the thread:-D
  10. > Wow, didn't mean to start anything and Kimberly

    Kaci, I didn't think you were trying to start anything ok, so it's all good:cool:

    Abundant Blessings!

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