Internet Connection

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by Emma Caroline, May 12, 2011.

  1. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I need help!!

    My laptop keepd disconnecting from the internet each time I close it. Every time I turn it on I have to manually reconnect to the internet. This just started happening about two weeks ago--before that it was always connected. Have I accidentally done something. Everything still works--it is just a pain to have to connect each time.

    ANy help us appreciated
  2. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    honestly to me it sounds as if some how the power scheme has changed be it either knowingly by you or unknowingly through some form of software update
  3. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Knowing which operating system you are using would help immensely? Wouldn't hurt to give the make and model number of the laptop either.
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Sounds like Vista.....
  5. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    I am using Windows 7 on an Asus laptop computer. I use the Windows Defender for protection and I have just updated to IE 9 when these things started happening.:nopity:
  6. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    ok. In the botton right hand corner you should see a battery. Look at the power settings.

    ASUS is an awesome machine. Congratulations.
  7. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Are you using a wireless connection? Sounds like a wireless or ethernet connection setting.
  8. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    No one is going to be able to "specifically" help you unless you list the Asus series number and the model number. There are hundreds of reasons why you're having the problem. In lieu of going through them one by one and wasting time,
    "You can never give too much info!!"

    Some asus models have the wireless controlled by their proprietary software and win 7 controllers are null. Please be specific and we can give you a specific resolution.
  9. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    It's not going to matter since it's Windows7. This is not just her machine. Any laptop running 7 will do this.

    From the start menu:
    Control Panel
    Network and Internet
    Network and Sharing Center
    On the right hand pane of Network and Sharing Center
    Change adapter settings
    Double Click your network adapter
    Select the "Details" radio button
    Write down the following lines:
    Connection Specific DNS (May or may not exist, depends on provider)
    IPv4 Subnet
    IPv4 Default Gateway
    IPv4 DNS Servers

    Once you have written those down, you can close that box.
    You should be back at the "Local Area Connection Status" box.
    Choose the "Properties" radio button.
    Select the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", which will be in a blue box when selected.
    Now select the "Properties" radio button
    The "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties" box should have popped up. If so:
    Select the following:
    "Use the following IP address"
    In the IP address box, enter an IP address. Example:
    Press the tab, the subnet should fill in automatically, if not, enter the value from "IPv4 Subnet" you wrote down from the above step. Examp,e:
    In the dafult gateway, enter the value from the steps above. Example:

    Now to move on to the next 2 boxes, DNS Servers. You may have only 1 DNS server entry from the DNS entry you wrote down from above.
    Enter the DNS servers you notes above.

    If there was "Connection Specific DNS" entry or entries, do the following (If not skip the "Connection Specific DNS" sections:
    Select the "Advanced" radio button.
    The "Additional TCP/IP Settings" windows should open
    Select the "DNS" tab

    If there is more than 1 "Connection Specific DNS" entry, do the following:
    Select the "Append DNS suffixes (in order):"
    Select "Add..."
    In the "Domain suffix", enter the first Connection Specific DNS entry.
    Select the "Add" radio button.
    Add all the DNS Specific suffixes you wrote down. You can only enter one at a time.
    When finished sleect the "OK" radio button

    If you only have 1 entry in "Connection Specific DNS":
    In the box labeled "DNS suffix for this connection", type in the entry you noted above for the "Connection Specific DNS".
    When finished sleect the "OK" radio button

    Check the "validate settings upon exit" box.

    Select the "OK" radio button.

    Select the "Close" radio button
  10. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Asus has multiple WiFi Ap's. If the user has disabled it and are using the Win7 wifi controller, and, they are using Asus auto update, it will load the ap and Win7 will surrender control of the adapter. The ap can be found in 'Programs' under the ASUS directory.

    The symptoms explained, mimic the Asus WiFi Ap with no initial setup. Knowing which asus model your dealing with will give you the ap version and wifi card manf/model so you can can match the two. Knowing which Asus model you have also determines if you want to keep Win7 or the Asus Ap as the controller. "Which has less of a "specific model" problem history and better features?"

    In this instance with a novice user, the choice is which is more user friendly to navigate?
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  11. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    You are the Dr.....

    I am just a humble Engineer.

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