I just learned of a search site called Intelius, that is selling personal information and background checks over the net. I looked myself up and it has me listed, along with my age and my deceased mother. It claims to have my birthdate and my unlisted phone number and will provide for a small fee. In the past, I learned a hard lesson when my identity was stolen. So I never provide my SSN, my exact birthdate, or my mother's maiden name, unless absolutely necessary. If I contact this company, do I have legal recourse to get myself removed from their listing - or at minimum, my BD and my mother's name? Is this fruitless, in that this info is already splashed all over the net?
Did you get there via www.zabasearch.com? It is public records, per the site. You think that's bad - check this out!! http://www.license.shorturl.com/
No. The site I'm referring to is www.intelius.com But I have seen zabasearch too. A couple years ago I read a book, Database Nation, that really scared me. I don't think most people realize the danger of their personal information floating around, until they are victims of identity theft.
The DOT sells your data along with hundreds of other State & Government offices. Also, any disgruntled employee can take a copy of data from their jobs and sell it to one of many firms that will buy data. The day they make it illegal to buy & sell personal data is the day it will stop. That's not going to happen though, big business rules the land and they like those lists. If you want to know what can be obtained over the web on you, apply for a job at Best Buy for a very complete free copy. They have a very large firm in South Carolina do a complete background & info check on you. The best money can buy. Buy law they are required to give you a free copy upon request.