Major Virus Warning

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by Romworks, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. Romworks

    Romworks Well-Known Member

    According to fellow technicians that I talk to, it could be wide spread as early as tomorrow. Just want to give everyone a heads up. And yes I know, if you use Linux you wouldn't have to worry!!!!!


    Microsoft Prepares Patch for Windows Flaw

    By ALLISON LINN, AP Business Writer Tue Jan 3, 3:59 PM ET

    SEATTLE - Microsoft Corp. says it will be at least a week before it issues a fix to a recently discovered vulnerability that could let an attacker take control of an Internet-connected computer.

    Microsoft said Tuesday it has created a patch for the flaw in its Windows operating system but needs to test it first. The software giant said it hopes to release the patch as part of its regular monthly security updates next Tuesday.

    The Redmond company confirmed late last week that some people were trying to take advantage of a flaw in an element of Windows that is used to view images. If a user is tricked into viewing an image, such as on a malicious Web site or within an e-mail attachment, that person's computer could be attacked.

    Microsoft said Tuesday that its research indicates the attacks are not widespread. The fact that the vulnerability requires a person to take action — say, opening an e-mail from a stranger — could mitigate the potential damage.

    But Marc Maiffret, an executive with eEye Digital Security Inc. of Aliso Viejo, Calif., said the vulnerability still could be troubling because personal firewalls will offer little protection and the attacks can easily be modified to get around security software such as antivirus programs.

    Another concern is that the flaw affects versions of Windows desktop and server software dating back to
    Windows 98.

    "It's basically almost any Windows PC right now that you can compromise if you can trick a person to going to the wrong Web site or opening the wrong e-mail," Maiffret said.

    While it tests a fix, Microsoft is offering some technical options for decreasing the risk of an exploit. Security experts say the flaw also reinforces the importance of not opening e-mails from strangers or visiting suspect Web sites.
  2. Romworks

    Romworks Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to give an update. From what I have heard there are currently about 1 million PC's already infected with this virus.

    The virus itself travels through websites. Simply viewing a picture on a website that is contaminated can infect your PC.

    There is a Hotfix that is unofficial could fix the issue. I haven't had an opportunity to use it so I dont know how affective it is.


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