n.c. republican state senate candidate

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by barney726, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    is anyone on the discussion board supporting nena reeves? we received a flier asking for support. other than being a successful business owner she indicates "additionally, she has served on the boards of several non-profit organizations that are working to improve the quality of health care for our citizens" on her web site. no list of these organizations.
  2. Rouzer for Senate all the way

    Reeves for Senate? Absolutely not. I read somewhere that her company was involved in the healthcare overbilling scandal that has cost Johnston County taxpayers over $100,000! Her company never repaid the taxpayers and then she sold it, presumably to distance herself from the scandal to run for Senate. We don't need that kind of 'experience' in Raleigh to assist the democrats in their waseful spending and deceitful ways.

    David Rouzer, on the other hand, is not some underhanded lobbyist like Reeves TV and Radio ads claim. I know this man - he took the lead in writing the tobacco buyout bill that was a huge benefit to Johnston County farmers and all NC farmers. In addition, he has worked for Senator Jesse Helms and with Sentor Elizbeth Dole. Rouzer has the support of Mrs. Helms and many, many conservatives thorughout the region.

    Rouzer is definately the right person for this job. I couldn't possibly put my trust in anyone else in this race.
  3. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I heard she kicks dogs and eats babies.

    You got anything to back up that libelous statement? A link? A news article? Anything? Or are you just full of hot air, Mr. Rouzer?
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    In know her and I like her.

    She & her sisters owned a company that provided community based care for MH/DD/?? persons. No, I do not know anything about the company but they were based in Garner.

    Be sure to VOTE for WHOEVER you like on MAY 6th 6:30am - 7:30pm or before at the CVFD starting on Tuesday at 12 noon.

    Anyone registered to vote in JoCo can vote EARLY at the CVFD.
  5. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    so how do i verify these accusations?
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    CVFD is an early voting site? I did not know that! Thought we had to go into Smithfield or Clayton for that.
  7. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    Definitely not Rouzer!
  8. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    The in-person early voting is now at 3 locations in JoCo:

    Smithfield town hall (Not the BOE)
    The Church at Clayton Crossing on US70
    Our own CVFD

    Tues -Fri April 22-25 12noon-7pm
    Sat 9-1
    then Tues -Fri 12-7 and
    last day Sat May 3 9-1

    So you can vote early starting April 22. Avoid any long lines on May 6th.

    Vote Early!
  9. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that information!
  10. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    one post and then high tail it out of dodge. i am still waiting for a link that backs up your accusations about Ms. Reeves.
  11. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    nena reeves

    I can not confirm nor deny the accusations which have been posted here concerning Nena Reeves. I can say that I have spent some time asking around about both Mrs. Reeves and Mr. Rouzer. While doing my investigating about both the Republican candidates a similiar version was told to me by someone. I have not repeated what was said to anyone because I have no facts to back the statements up. I will say that I have noticed that Mr. Rouzer has not made any comments in reference to such accusations.

    1) It could be that there is no validity to the statements so Mr. Rouzer opts not to repeat them.

    2) It could be that there is validity to the statements but Mr. Rouzer opts not repeat them.

    I will say that if at any time in the future anything remotely inline with these accusations does come out about Mrs. Reeves and Mr. Rouzer opts not to repeat the statements I will have much more respect for the gentleman.

    Only time will tell if there is any truth to the rumors.

    I personally have not gone looking to find out if there is any truth to the rumors.

    Oh, and in reference to the post cards which I received in the mail on behalf of Mrs. Reeves, I would find it very difficult to imagine that someone who worked closely with Jesse Helms would have such a close relationship with Senator Ted Kennedy.

    I do hope that Mrs. Reeves has not opted to spread rumors and innuendos about Mr. Rouzer when to this point I don't believe Mr. Rouzer has flamed the rumors of Mrs. Reeves and a tax issue which might be in existence with the IRS and NC Department of Revenue.
  12. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Bottom line: Rouzer has the "endorsement" of the county party officials who thought he would be a shoo-in candidate. Notice all the ads with Bizzell, Creech, and other party officials. Reeves does not have their blessing, but has plenty of money of her own and the party officials are in a tizzy about what to do if their chosen one doesn't win. Reeves also has the backing of the Richard Morgan wing of the GOP, which would like nothing better than to embarass Leo Daughtry and the local GOP officials by seeing Reeves beat out Rouzer.

    Just politics....sure both of them are fine people who wash behind both ears. But hey, let the rumors fly.
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Dern Clif:lol::lol:
  14. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Here's an email I received today from the Johnston County GOP Chair today:

    I have been the Chairman of the Johnston County Republican Party since March of 2007 and I have met many residents of Johnston County who often share with me the direction they want to see this county head. One of the positions which affect the direction this county will go is the North Carolina Senate seat in which two Republicans are vying for your vote in the primary. I do not have a dog in this fight but I do have an interest, along with a great number of folks I have met, in what happens to our county.
    I just received a piece of mail from a group trying to elect one of the republican candidates to the North Carolina Senate representing Johnston County…and I was extremely disappointed to say the least. The reason for my disappointment is that, instead of educating the voters of this county about her stand on issues which republicans consider important, this candidate just attacks her opposition. Her attack appeared to me to be nothing more than malicious allegations ostensibly supported by facts which were obviously taken out of context. The Johnston County Republican Party does not support such negative campaigning and it feels such misleading attacks are destructive to the electoral process. Candidates should conduct themselves professionally with the focus being on educating the voters in his or her district about the candidate’s platform. Voters should base their decision on who they will cast their vote based upon the issues the candidate represents. Such negative campaigning by this candidate has no place in Johnston County politics, and I personally consider it to be reprehensible.

    Rudy E. Renfer
    Johnston County Republican Party

    Now if the candidate he is talking about (Reeves) gets the nomination, I wonder if Mr. Renfer is going to consider it "reprehensible" if she sends out a negative mailing against the Democratic candidate?????
  15. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I could care less to vote for any of them. The political board is biased on who can and cannot ask questions.
  16. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Dude..you've Got to be KIDDING me. A Republican chair considering politicking to be reprehensible? Pot, meet kettle. Seems like he's more upset that she had the temerity to run against the county party chosen one. He tries to damn her with innuendo and faint praise. Such expectation of lock step politics is why the party is on its way down. Party Man sounds as if he'd be happier with the likes of the Selma mayor.
  17. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Hat6...you know my background and how long I've been behind the scenes in politics all across this state. I was just in shock when I saw the email!!! At least he didn't endorse anyone though!!!

    Makes me wonder now if Ms. Reeves is hitting too close to the truth with some of her mailings.......
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  18. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    he didn't have to endorse anyone overtly. he condemned "her" enough for everyone to know who he's behind...
  19. Rouzer and Reeves question of thievery

    This will answer and validate some questions about Reeves and then I'll add an opinion

    1. Reeves was owner / president of Health Services Personnel from 1990 to about 2006 when she sold the company to a giant corporation. See Secretary of State web site for corps http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/AnnualReportCount.aspx?PItemId=4768157

    2. The company is charged with overbilling about 1/2 million dollars in the boondoogle of health care "reform." For the list of overbilling companies See N & O at http://dwb.newsobserver.com/cgi-bin...alth/template.html&sortby=provider&sorttype=a

    3. The company is tied up in the same way as many %$&^ companies as reported in Feb 26, 2008 N & O. This is also the offshoot of current stories in which Governor Easley keeps erasing emails. See http://www.newsobserver.com/2789/story/965714.html

    4. So above are the facts as close as we can get to the rumor that candidate Reeves stole money from the state.

    My View. Reeves probably did NOT steal the money. The financial audit was apparently AFTER she sold her company. Did she follow the same overbilling procedures or even teach the same over billing tactics used by the buyer of her company? I do not know but I hope no Clayton lady would do such. So, I'll easily give benefit of doubt that she is innocent of the rumor. BUT!

    She is certainly guilty of using mean spirited, deceptive and misleading negative campaign tactics which truly shock me. She is being a poor leader by evidently allowing her campaign firm to direct her rather than choose a "high road" course. I am imagining she has no guts to tell them the sombrero ad goes way over board.

    I find it impossible to believe that ANY friend or employee of Jesse Helms would be a liberal OR a Kennedy supporter. I believe her ads are slanderous. If she wins the primary WITHOUT the support of even one elected Republican, I believe it will prove beyond any doubt that any amount of mudslinging with a proportionate amount of money can buy an election. THAT IS SCARY TO ME! The average citizen will no longer need to vote.

    This begs the question of, "Why isn't Rouzer twisting and distorting the truth to try to slam her as she has him?" I can only guess that he has taken the high road that earmarks integrity and trust. If it is not a fact, it should not be "made" into a fact.

    Though some think various things about the republican Chairman making comments, I find it odd that he has spoken at all. Generally a party will not get involved in a primary. I view that something is terribly wrong and where there is smoke, something's burning. I think it is truth and trust.

    So, I believe the rumors of overbilling by Reeves are false and I believe the evidence of low scruples and questionable leadership by Reeves are quite evident.

    I will vote for Rouzer.
  20. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    How is it slanderous to state that Ted Kennedy supported The Ag JOBS Act of 2007 and point out that Rouzer lobbied on behalf of the bill? When you get down to it, that is what the sombrero ad is stating. Unless someone has something to prove Rouzer didn't lobby for it or Kennedy didn't support it, how is the ad slanderous, mean spirited, deceptive, or misleading?????

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