Need help finding 7 cats a home!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by michelle, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Help! I don't know what else to do. Here is the situation:

    We found out 2 weeks ago this past Tuesday that we had to move ASAP (long story). We were very lucky and found a house to rent the same day we found out we had to move. We're now moved in but the landlord does not allow pets of any kind. I have 3 adult cats and 4 kittens at the other house and I've been going back and forth feeding them, but I have to find somewhere for them to go. I've called the animal shelters and they tell me to call some of the rescue groups and the rescue groups do not take personal pets. I've put ads on the classifieds and asked everyone that I know if they want a cat, but I cannot get rid of them. Time is drawing short and I have to do something with them by this weekend. Any suggestions, or does anyone want a cat (or cats). Please give me some ideas on this. I do not want to see them put down at a shelter.
  2. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    "I've called the animal shelters and they tell me to call some of the rescue groups and the rescue groups do not take personal pets."

    What a crock. I thought that was the purpose of SPCA, to take unwanted or abandoned pets. Maybe you should have someone else take them to the animal shelter and tell them the owner abandoned the cats.
    Where are the cat lovers on this board? I am alergic to cats and quite frankly don't like cats because my neighbors let their cats have the run of the neighborhood. I just pained porch rocking chairs yesterday and one of the cats decided to get up in the chair and take a nap on the wet paint. What a mess!
    Good luck.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    They got a furball

    I couldn't resist. :lol:
  4. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    The SPCA is not allowed to turn away any animal but the person has to live in the city limits of Raleigh Cary or Garner. The animal shelter on hwy 64 Wake County animal shelter will take them, they are not allowed to turn them away either... but that does not mean they will not get euthanized.

    Sorry I cant help.
  5. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Michelle, I wish I could help you, but I have two cats of my own and don't think I could handle anymore, especially with this baby on the way!

    Sorry..... :(
  6. georgie_girl

    georgie_girl Member

    I might be interested in taking one of the kittens. I have a dog tho and I'm not sure how that would work out. What kind of kittens are they? (male/female/color/age/etc).
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Georgie Girl - I just pm'd you my phone #. Please call me!
  8. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    Have you posted on Craigslist? Did you post a notice at your vet's office? The only other thing I can think of is to go to a flea market that allows pet sales and try to give them away there. I know the fairgrounds in Raleigh doesn't allow that anymore but I am not sure about the flea market on Capital Blvd. in Raleigh. I wish I could help but I have 4 adult cats now and we can't handle anymore in our house. Good luck to you!
  9. georgie_girl

    georgie_girl Member

    Just got your PM Michelle. I'll try to call you before noon tomorrow, but absolutely no later than 2 p.m..

  10. georgie_girl

    georgie_girl Member

    Michelle, we've been trying to reach you since before noon. I'll PM you my phone number and I'll keep trying.
  11. aguyand3grls

    aguyand3grls Guest

    I use to ( and still from time to time ) do animal rescue. I do know that the SPCA in Garner is as close to a no kill facility as it can get. They will take them and rehome them, give them their proper vet needs, etc. Their new facility is awesome - they have kitty rooms now - looks great. Wake Co animal shelter off of 64 is usually so full they euthanize right away is it's a personal pet. If the animal is a stray, I believe they have to hold 3 days ( not definate on the length though!! ). SPCA is the way to go!
  12. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    We've called that one before... the new wake county shelter, animals are "held" at the old facility on hwy 70 and if they are deemed adoptable, they are moved to the no-kill facility off of Tryon Rd. However, you have to show proof of address that you are a Wake County resident for them to accept anything brought to them. DH's aunt volunteers over at the new facility and has said how nice it is.
  13. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    You could get someone that lives in Garner to do it for you. It is a slow time for cat adoptions right now. So I wouldn't be able to guarantee the outcome.

    Are they all spayed/neutered? That may help there chances.
  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Or if you have a Garner address as many of us in JoCo do, i doubt they would question whether it is Wake or Johnston.
  15. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    thats just wrong... glad to know you have no self-restraint. Just think how you'd feel if it was you having to find homes for your dogs. They become like furry 4-legged children and a part of the family, no???

  16. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I don't know who ever let you be a pet owner if you could look at any kind of pet as the possibility of having to be "disposable" and think thats ok...
  17. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    No Ken.. I just thought your post was cruel considering this could be a heart-wrenching predicament for someone faced with having to lose/move/place 7 little 4-legged members of their family.
  18. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    whatever you want to think Ken.. I just have to admit.. I obsess 24/7 about just waiting for you to leave the door open for digs.

    Michele I do hope you are finding homes for your kitties.

  19. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Georgie Girl,

    I still have 5 of the cats (2 kittens and 3 adults). PM me if you are still interested in them. Sorry you couldn't get up with me on Saturday . . . we were moving the last of our stuff from the old house and running a bunch of errands.


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