I have a VS coupon for... I think $4.something :lol: want it? ps. I'd love a nicoderm coupon if any one has one :?
LOL Yeah, I'm quiting AGAIN this weekend, I think. Those patches work great! But they cost as much as the cigarettes! ..somebody's allllways gotta make a buck. :roll:
Heck yeah woman! Thanks for thinking of me. Ihave to head out in a little bit to Fuquay.. Call me 796-5284
They are FL coupons, is that ok? And now I have 2 for $4.50 off a carton and 2 for $1.25 off two packs. DH says he's going back on the patch tomorrow. I asked if we both had to quit and he said no. LOL But I can't make him do it alone 8)