School question.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    We recently moved from a Benson address to an Angier address. Both areas are in the the West Johnston/McGee's Middle area. I went to the high school to change the bus info and it was so easy my soon-to-be 3 year old granddaughter could have done it :). Very smooth with no issues.. I went to the middle school and was wondering if I need to give a urine or stool sample to do it:confused:. Now I do realize that the the office personnel and principal have rules to follow and that is fine. They probably feel it's a bit crazy too but aren't allowed to comment:). It would seem that you need to provide proof of residency to show you are living where you say. I understand that.... But if I have my rental agreement, copy of my bank statement with my new address... why is that not proof enough and they just HAVE TO HAVE a utility bill :confused:???? I JUST moved so I have no utility bill yet but my kid needs to go to school NOW...not wait till a week or so goes by till a bill comes in. The school says to see if the utility company will give us a letter or fax one to the school saying we live there and have service. Well I called Progress Energy and they told me they don't do that nor do they email that kind of thing :banghead:. Both me and my husband work on a schedule where us taking her ourselves can be a problem with the morning commute, not to mention how the heck she is getting home with us not getting home till after 5:confused:.

    Now, we were blessed enough to have been able to make arrangements with a classmate of hers :hurray:, but the point is...... why is it so difficult? The high school did it fine... With all the things that go on in the schools and more pertinent issues like in the other thread about some sexual misconduct and they wanna press me for a UTILITY BILL?????????:?
  2. Georgiared

    Georgiared Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain.. Last year when we moved our son from one high school to another we were treated like we were trying to do something wrong. The day I signed him up at the new one, the counselor from the new school literally ended up driving to my new house an hour later to verify even though I showed the rental agreement. THEN......3 days later we come home from work to find a business card in out door...JC School district Social Services decided to come knocking on our door. I called the next day only to find out she was also verifying that we lived there and I needed to give her proof. I explained I had already showed the new high school everything that was needed. I let her know I was not happy that we were being treated the way we were cause I know they don't go knocking on everyone's door that moves.. It was almost comical.
  3. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    If you have an online account with Progress Energy, log on to your account and the first page will show the account address. Just print that page and that should shut them up.
  4. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Your rental agreement should have been enough per policy. A call to the landlord could have been made if deemed necessary.

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