This Is Driving me Crazy, Part II!!

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by Tom Servo, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. Tom Servo

    Tom Servo Well-Known Member

    I have an HD TV, and I want to play a couple of movies from my laptop on it. I am going to try Super, but here's something I don't understand...

    My big HDTV doesn't have a port for a monitor cable (I know that there is a tech term for the cable but I don't know it). The only ports that I have on the laptop and the TV that are the same is a USB port. I have checked in several places but cannot find a USB to USB cable. I went to Best Buy and the guy told me that Wal-Mart had them. I went to Wal-mart and of course they didn't, but the guy there told me that he'd never seen one, and even if I could find one it wouldn't work to transfer video, just data. I can't believe that my TV manufacturer would put a USB port on the TV is i couldn't use it to view my laptop screen.

    Is that isn't true, do USB to USB cables exist? If they do does anyone know where I can get one (or borrow one ;) ) for a reasonable price?
  2. appcomm

    appcomm Well-Known Member

    On your TV...are you sure it's a USB port and not an HDMI connection? They can look very similar.

    What's the model of your laptop and your TV?
  3. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    I don't think USB to USB will work as it will only transfer data and not video. Check your laptop for an S-Video plug? Also check for a Firewire plug?

    If you're trying to get signal from one device to another you should review the color codes in the PC Systems Design Guide. Just match the plug color on both the TV and the laptop devices plugs, if the color matches you have a valid data transfer path. (S-Video and HDMI are not in the color code, heres the A/V descriptions.)

    Your problem is you must use that laptops' VGA plug (blue) for the "OUT" in your video data transfer. If the laptop doesn't have S-Video or Firewire??

    If VGA (blue) is the only video, I'd suggest a hub for video transfer. Most come with decent software that may replace Super C with a more user friendly format. Most "require" an S-Video or HDMI plug on the TV though?

    I carry a multi plug USB set in my laptop bag. They are not cheap ($100+/-) but very versatile in providing every possible connection. Sorry, but I don't lend the tools that feed my family.:)

    The cheapest way out is: HDMI on the TV ... or ... S-Video or RCA on the TV

    Note: Do not hot plug a VGA plug like you do a USB plug. Turn the PC off when plugging and unplugging a VGA Cable!!!

    PS: The Dollar Store has USB plugs in all end types in 6' length for $1. They also have other plug types. Why pay the 'Greek' Squad 10 times that!!!:lol:
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010

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