TIP: Speeding up Windows 2000 and XP

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by appcomm, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. appcomm

    appcomm Well-Known Member

    Got a new computer with a hot processor and loads of memory but it seems "sluggish" right out of the box? We run across this one constantly, and it's due to the fact that Microsoft seems to think it was necessary to make an eye candy effect the default setting starting with Windows 2000.

    The problem here is that they make the "fade" effect the default. That is, when you click on a menu item it slowly fades into view. This is cool about 3 times, then it is nothing but annoying and a waste of time. And it also gives the perception that the PC is running slow.

    So, if you would prefer to have menus immediately snap up on the screen, use the below to turn OFF the fade effect:

    Click on:
    Turn OFF "Use transition effects for menus"
    (Note: Depending on if you are using Win 2000 or XP the "EFFECTS" menu item may be in a slightly different location, but you *will* find it under the Display Settings)

    Once you've turned off this annoying Microsoft "feature", you'll feel like your PC is performing faster. :wink:
  2. Romworks

    Romworks Well-Known Member

    You might also want to delete all the junk progrmas that come with a new computer. Also there are alot of Window items that most users do not need on an every day basis or at all (such as AOL, windows messenger etc.)

    Things like special backgrounds, and screen savers and millions of icons on the desktop also hurt performance. Preloaded Norton and McAffee are resource hogs also.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I have XP and mine is lickety split! :lol:
  4. Romworks

    Romworks Well-Known Member

    Hey Harley How are you doing.

    Ken, I hope you are getting a commission from Linux :roll:
  5. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    a properly congifured xp system is no slower than a linux system. but i do like linux. the availablity of drivers for it sucks, but i love the ability to customize everything about it.
  6. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Hey appcomm,
    Great tip!!

    I have to agree with Ken on Linux speed verses Win XP speed. Linux has all the great config features I want but lacks in software compatibility issues. Reading so many of Ken's posts on Linux made me curious enough to "read up" on it.

    I still won't load XP on "my" home or office units, I'm sticking with 2K Pro. Now if they had an XP that I could turn off the auto config features I would really consider using it. XP is MS's attempt to "please all of the people all of the time." And as all of the people know, that's improbable. When you build software for idiots you lock out the knowledgeable users.

    I do my best at discouraging my customers from using XP, but you can't fight bells & whistle technology.

    Remember when software developers had to fit their software on a couple 1.44 floppys???? What happened??? LOL
  7. appcomm

    appcomm Well-Known Member

    Now THOSE were the days! 8)

    WordPerfect 5.1 DOS version still gets my vote for the best word processor of all times! I still feel more comfortable at a command line than I do with a mouse! :wink:

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