I do a lot of shopping online. I use a separate credit card that I've dedicated to my online purchases so I can spot any funny business quickly. I have no fear of familiar web sites, e.g., Amazon.com and Landsend. But I feel uncomfortable with purchases from a website with which I have no prior experience. (setting up a new account, including name, address, phone, credit card number) Does anyone have tips on reducing my risks when I shop online? I don't want to give it up entirely. Oh and I also pay my credit cards online with authorized drafts from my checking account. Very convenient. But is this a bad idea?
Some credit cards, I believe Discover is one of them, allow you to download an application that you install on your computer. Once installed, you can request a one-time use number thru that appication. Use that number for that transaction and then it is no longer good. I haven't tried this yet, but plan on looking into it soon. I also have fear of credit card use. Probably more fear of handing some brat kid in a restaurant my credit card as he disappears in the back. Credit card companys will need to provide a mobile solution to this single use number. Maybe a RSA-type key that can be kept on a keychain and provide these single use numbers. I feel your fear! Good luck!