Wake Sheriff Admits To Affair

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I've heard many praises of this sheriff. But ... One time is an oops! An affair with a married woman for three years shows a huge character flaw.
  2. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    The name Andrew Cook sounds very familiar. Does anyone know who he is?

    My husbands eye doctor is Andrew Cook.
    If this is the same Jodi, she's a nurse at WakeMed.
    Any info would be appreciated!

    NCmom -
    Where did you get the link from the above story?
  3. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    According to the news media, Andrew Cook is a Garner eye doctor.
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    It also says the affair ended in 04, and if you can't see that the release of this info was policitally motivated, then you're blind....
  5. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Does it really matter

    Donnie Harrison is the sheriff of Wake County. Their are bigger issues in Wake County than who the Sheriff is sleeping with. Now back to Johnston County Politics. Who is going to be elected Dog Catcher?
  6. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Certainly the release was to serve a political purpose BUT an affair with a married woman for THREE + years shows a character flaw and voters should be aware of who they are voting for.

    I've heard wonderful things from people who personally know him about his honor, strong Christian values, etc... Really?

    Again this was not just one act. It was THREE + years of deceit. Makes me wonder if he compromised his values in other ways...perhaps in his job as sheriff.
  7. PeeWee

    PeeWee Member

    If you live in Wake County vote Donnie Harrison for Sheriff next Tuesday!
  8. PeeWee

    PeeWee Member

    If you live in Wake County vote Donnie Harrison for Sheriff next Tuesday!
  9. PeeWee

    PeeWee Member

    If you live in Wake County vote Donnie Harrison for Sheriff next Tuesday!
  10. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I don't live in Wake Co. so have no direct issue with his run for office. I wonder though ... why wasn't he proactive way back when ... share the error of his ways and move on ... voters would have forgotten by now.

  11. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    I do and plan to.
  12. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Don't live in Wake County, don't have a dog in this fight, but query: Did it affect the performance of his duties in any way? And yes, I do know he's a member of the opposite party from me, but I don't think that's relevant, either. I would not have voted for him before this info came out; it would not have changed my mind. If you were planning to vote for him before, should it change your mind?

    We could wish that all of our elected official were above reproach in every way, but instead, they're all human.
  13. Beezor

    Beezor Well-Known Member

    Well, we kept a president that did basically the same thing, but LIED about it instead of admitting it, so, YES I would still vote for him. It does show a character flaw as was pointed out, but at least he did tell the truth when it came up.
  14. Twitch

    Twitch Well-Known Member

    If I lived in Wake County I would vote for him. Him having an affair doesnt have anything to do with his job performance. Why should he answer to you about his mistake when he is has to answer to a higher power when he dies.

    Don't Pass judgement yes it shows he has a charater flaw its called being human. Most people don't cheat but we don't know the circumstances. I have spoken to him several times in the past and he takes his job very serious. He is an all around great guy who cares about his community.

    Give the man a break this is a private issue that should be kept private.

  15. Clif

    Clif Guest

    About the only problem would be, if there were those who would use such a flaw to blackmail him.

    This would be impossible, however, since he openly admitted to it.

    Don't know if I'd vote for him or not. Since I don't live in Wake county, I'm not too familiar with his opponent, so I don't know who would be the better choice. However, I would not use this as a reason not to vote for him.
  16. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I don't live in Wake Co either, but I work there, and I see Harrison at least weekly around town. I don't think whether or not he had an affair has anything to do with whether or not he is an effective Sherriff, just like I didn't think the whole Clinton scandal was any of anyones damn business.

    The only difference here is that I admire Harrison for just coming out and saying, yep I did it, let's move on. Whereas Clinton tried to lie his way out of it. I've always said that Clinton should have either just admitted it, or refused to comment citing that it wasn't anyones business. But I digress....
  17. Clif

    Clif Guest

    You don't think it's anyone's damned business if a man sexually harasses a woman?
  18. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's any of anyones damned business if an intern is "taken" with the commander in chief and decides to play hide and seek under his desk.

    That's what I was referring to specifically.
  19. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Do not include me as "WE" in your statement. I do not recall there being a vote on that.
  20. Clif

    Clif Guest

    While, on the surface, this is true, the reason Monica Lewinski's name came up in the first place was to show that Mr. Clinton has a propensity for sexual abuse in the Paula Jones lawsuit.

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