Web Help

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by Rcskip, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. Rcskip

    Rcskip Well-Known Member

    I need help directing my registered domain name (with goDaddy) to a web site I have created on my mac and hosted on my .mac account. Anyone familiar?:confused:
  2. appcomm

    appcomm Well-Known Member

    Login to your GoDaddy account and select Manage Domains. You will see a list of your registered domain names. Click on the selection box to the left of the name you want to point to your website at .mac, then on the top menu bar click on the NAMESERVERS icon.

    You'll want to select the Custom Nameservers option and then enter in the blanks that are provided the nameservers that .mac should have provided for you (normally something like ns1.nameservername.com, ns2.nameservername.com, etc.) Save your changes and in about 6 hours (but as many as 48 hours), when you try to visit you site in a browser, your website will show up.

    Hope that helps!

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