I would never buy a laptop over ebay if the seller is long distance. Your best bet is the listing in Durham At least there you can get to the seller for problems. Ask all the sellers what the warranty on the BATTERY is!!! A battery for laptops can run $200 for some of those models. Just because they are still in the box does not mean they are new. Batteries have a shelf life, especially laptop batteries. If the PC is more than a year old and the box was not stored in the optimum conditions the battery inside could only last 30 days before you have to replace it. Bottom line, you have to ask yourself, why would someone sell a $700 and up laptop for under $100????
I forgot to add: Ask the seller for the serial number to confirm two items, is it stolen, and is it an American or foreign model. You may be buying a laptop with a 220v charging system.
Do I need a certain numner of GHz? I need to look for P 4 or any 3 numbers in front of an "M" I'm really sorry for being a pain in the butt!