Just got a brand new dual processor Laptop last month, had them strip Vista off! I was auditing a poor woman the other day, they just put Vista on her computer with Office 2007, she couldn't even figure out how to open a file, since most of her evidence was on the computer, we had a fun day. Figured out it was the weird Icon in the upper left corner of the screen, doubt that will help you though. Hugh
Well, thanks for nothing... lol Actually, I clicked on the icon and went to the control panel - by all accounts the task bar should be there. It is set to locked and to always appear on top. But it is not there! There is a space for it.. I can see the wallpaper! Weird.
It seems to me that more people are having difficulty with MS Office 2007 than Vista itself. I have seen the new office and it is a pretty radical departure from older versions.
I hate Office 07, only reason we have it is because I could not get Office 98/2000 Upgrade to install....on VISTA of course.
whereas i LOVE office 07. but then i upgraded from office 2k. as far as vista goes i will be staying with xp pro as long as i possibly can
it took a few days for me to get used to, but now that i am used to it i hate using anything other than office 07