Does anyone have this, or know about this? I am having a heck of a hard time trying to get documents to open in 'word'.
My new Toshiba uses it. You know, the one I bought in September that's in the shop already? I hate vista. I have had all sorts of problems with it. I am told that there is a way to return to XP. How does one do it? Ken..I know..linux..linux..linux... not ready for that leap of faith Carl
I don't think Vista comes with Word preinstalled like you probably got with XP or earlier versions. If I remember correctly I had the same problem here at the storage facility until I realized we didn't have it. Gotta do a seperate install of MS Office.$$
I went to that OpenOffice site, but was nervous, not knowing if they were shady and going to put bugs on my new Dell Inspiron it's legit from OPenOffice oh great God of computer knowledge? :mrgreen:
KellBell, I just looked at and it just looks like a website full of external links. I'm not sure what devilock is referring to when he suggested downloading OpenOffice......I didn't see a specific program with that name. Maybe he'll offer some more info shortly.
that link opens up a 'profile'.....that helps! NOT! I need to be able to access word documents that are online and this foolish program won't let me.....grrrrrrr and Ken, Hatteras, Hught, Harvey and all them other smart ones won't help me....:---( no one cares no one will help me this is about the most frustrating thing ever ok, pity party over. :mrgreen: but I still need help....anyone.....just need to know details on OpenOffice, if its legit, how is/does it help? :-D
thank you Ken. I was about to light candles and do a dance around the fire to conjure up the computer gods....
Kel, IN this area, your reliance on my technical ezpertise is a treu case of the blind leading the blind. Wish I could help. Carl
This is all I've got and this, not related .... or helpful... but it's funny! bow-chika-wow-wow! ... One day I'll cross the linux bridge too ...but I'm skeerd.
INsane, thanks for the funnies..... Hatteras...thanks for the tekkneecull soupport..... Good news is, Ifigured out how to view the darn doc in Works Word Processor, HOWEVER, the formatting is all monkey'd up....which leads me to believe it wasn't me this whole time.....:mrgreen:
Kel, in my experience, Works and Word format differently, and are incompatible. One produces gobbleteygoop when openend on the other. Carl
yes, gobbleteygoop describes it perfectly..... as soon as I can get my hands on some word software, in any form or year, its getting downloaded....:mrgreen:
KB, will give you a download that will lermit you to open, edit, save..etc a word doc. good luck