Today turned out NOTHING like it was supposed to in my brain :lol: Thanks peoples! I should finish my :cheers: and go to bed. :mrgreen: Well, I'm not ready yet! :twisted: What have I learned... Your family is more important that your friends ( I knew that already) Next... If you WANT something - buy it yourself. See, we NEVER have exchanged gifts but .. me being me thought that I *might* be able to sucker some people into getting me some things that I NEED (not want) this year. Didn't work. :boxing: 1. Holster for my .357 2. Tinted windows on my car Didn't happen. :? It's ON like Donkey Kong :lol:
HG Im sorry that your Birthday didn't turn out the way you had hoped. But remeber there is always next year and payback are....ummmmmm..... tee hee FUN.(trying to type slow so i didn't type anything that got me booted) Where do you get your holsters at? Im looking for one to fit in or around the car seat or adhere to the console. I have already broke two purses so gonna have to rethink how i carry.
So sorry i missed your call, wish you had just ridden through the lot, you would have seen my car:cry: i owe ya one now.