Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HG!!! Hope you are having a good one. :cheers:
  2. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HG!!! Hope that it has been a fantastic day!!!!

  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Happy Birfday!!
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Today turned out NOTHING like it was supposed to in my brain :lol:

    Thanks peoples! I should finish my :cheers: and go to bed. :mrgreen:

    Well, I'm not ready yet! :twisted:

    What have I learned...

    Your family is more important that your friends ( I knew that already)

    If you WANT something - buy it yourself.

    See, we NEVER have exchanged gifts but .. me being me thought that I *might* be able to sucker some people into getting me some things that I NEED (not want) this year.

    Didn't work. :boxing:

    1. Holster for my .357
    2. Tinted windows on my car

    Didn't happen. :?

    It's ON like Donkey Kong :lol:
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  5. sus

    sus Well-Known Member

    HG Im sorry that your Birthday didn't turn out the way you had hoped. But remeber there is always next year and payback are....ummmmmm..... tee hee FUN.(trying to type slow so i didn't type anything that got me booted) Where do you get your holsters at? Im looking for one to fit in or around the car seat or adhere to the console. I have already broke two purses so gonna have to rethink how i carry.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    So sorry i missed your call, wish you had just ridden through the lot, you would have seen my car:cry: i owe ya one now.
  7. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Sorry, it's late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a wonderful day!:jester:
  8. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Dang! Sorry I missed it HG! Happy Birthday girl! :cheers:
  9. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Well, extend it into today and party your hiney off instead 8).

  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    HB for HG!
  11. shardee428

    shardee428 Well-Known Member

    Happy Belated! Sorry it wasn't like you hoped it would be.
  12. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks - there's always next year :?

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