I have decided to go tomorrow to cancel yours. First time ever that I will not vote on election day. Just want to make the playing field the same, P. How many vote(s) do I get? Just joking. Sherry
Nah! I'm a member of the ACLU...how about you? Just found out I have to wait until noon to vote today, darn it. Sherry
Well darn it. Want to join? You know I'm just having some fun on this Thread, right? I am growing weary on others so I'll tease on this one. Good morning, Sherry :lol: P.S. Where is the rain they said was coming?
Last I heard its supposed to start later this afternoon, thru the evening, moving out around noon tomorrow.
Anyone else have the crud? Stuffy nose, sore throat, overall yucky feeling. Can't tell if it's fall allergies or a nasty cold, but whatever it is it's no fun. :neutral:
I had that 2 weeks ago. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with my first ever sinus infection. It was gross!
I get sinus infections. This isn't one... yet. So hard to tell the difference between allergies and a cold but I think it's probably my fall allergies flaring up because I've been sneezing a lot too. I should probably start taking Zyrtec. :ack:
Yes they are gross and can hurt a lot if not treated right away . If you dont like taking medicines i would recommend if i may , As i am the queen of sinus infections ..Sinus rinse , you can buy it at any cvs and just ask the pharmacist they will point you in the direction and also 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar with 8oz water 3 times a day if you can ...Best herbal medicine yet ..But that's just my opinion , Works wonders FAST In the mean time , Hope you feel better
OK, I have an addiction. Zit popping, cyst popping, whatever popping videos. Yep, I'm disgusting. Enjoy. http://www.popthatzit.com/file/905-we-have-winner-woo-hoo-back-toothpaste-.html
1. Airbornne 2. Dayquill 3. Shot of Jack Daniels POOF! No more cold! Did that yesterday morning and I feel great!
I have the whole day to myself (hubby and DD at fair) and all I have done is play on computer and go to the grocery store. Now I'm tired and ready for a nappy nap. Housework can wait till whenever :lol:
My random thought: I'm really tired, feel like I could go to sleep right now. My 5 yo is on his first sleepover at a friend's house (his big bro is there with him) and he's got a tummy ache. My friend is keeping me updated, I'm hoping he does ok, and maybe it's just nerves, but I feel bad for him, my poor baby! I just spoke to him on the phone and he says he feels better now. My boys are growing up so fast!