Molly could be the tyrant you describe, or she was just doing her thing to show the other dog they were on HER turf. A couple of mine treat...
How about a gift card for iTunes? Almost every teen carries some sort of music player.
ALL canned ready-to-drink Slimfast has been recalled! ALL flavors/varieties Here is the story
Keepin' those nuts warm this winter season :lol: too cute!
Screwed for life in OUR real life world. . .but there is a different standard for the rich and famous/infamous. Talk about coming out smelling...
This whole story and the hoopla surrounding it are quite interesting. First, Tiger Woods IS a MEGA-celebrity. Famous people are put on...
Glucosamine chondroitin combos work for humans as well as canines, felines and equines :) Ditto with the MSM - which is supposed to dull pain...
:iagree: In the past, I have nabbed a few kitties who neighbors didn't seem to be interested in vetting, and let roam. . .I had them fixed, got...
Happy Birthday!
Glad he's back home!
I'm not about to try it, but I believe it would make a difference as to the type of comb you used - as in composition. The comb in the video was...
Yeah, he did his time - not long enough, but no one asked my opinion when he was sentenced. Point is, there are more second, third, and forth...
Probably because they get a higher GP from sales of their own products/services. With the economy the way it is, gross profit is the name of the...
Before the age of the internet, my sister and I had the longest stupid disagreement ever regarding England Dan & John Ford Coley's " I'd Really...
It really doesn't confuse them - when I worked at SPCA Wake we (the staff) had to come up with names for any dogs, or cats who came in as strays...
I just read this for the first time also - cute pup look at those ears! :hurray: evertthing worked out BTW - it wouldn't hurt to change the...
If you already have a ton of your existing food, get those capsules I mentioned - that's what they are fish oil. . .you wouldn't have to worry...
Doesn't sound like a breed mix that should be out all day - wonder why it barks? Duh! The people it bit were probably not any smarter than the...
Fox News
Separate names with a comma.