I fly the US flag outside my house whenever I can. I've gotten lax and kept it up during bad weather .. and the other day, it blew down and got...
Tune in to nasa.gov to watch the last NASA shuttle launch. Now.
Ok, right on the front page of 4042.com ... there's news of a water conversation policy. The article is written by 'a 4042 reporter'. I would...
What do my fellow-4042'ers do for grins and giggles in their free time? What are your hobbies? Do you do crafts? What sort? Do you collect...
I'm prolly going to get picked on for this ... But anyone who was not at last week's meetings, there is NOT a meeting this upcoming week -...
This is going to be a really weird question ... but does anyone around here live on a farm or know of a farm where someone can bring a puppy to...
Just noticed in the "Clayton Parks and Recreation 2010-2011 Fall/Winter Programs and Events" flyer, page 4, that there's a "Dog Park Meeting"...
Need another one? Phoebe need a playmate? :) http://savinggracenc.org/dogs/index.php?dog_id=846#dog_info
Some of the threads in the Discussion Group has gotten me thinking of places where we ARE allowed to bring dogs. Please, let's help each other...
Whee ... everyone's favorite subject. Toilets. Does anyone know a cheap, reliable handyman to come fix a toilet that wont stop running?...
Few years back, 2006 or so, I posted that my white shepherd, Willow was having some health probs ... that it was touch and go because of her...
Hey, all ... what's your favorite brand (and roast) of coffee? What do you buy, from where? Whole bean, ground?
Seeing as how today is the last day of the OLD year, and tomorrow is the first day of the NEW year ... I wanted to wish y'all a very happy of...
How many of y'all use monthly heartworm preventatives for your cats? In your experience, have you seen many cases of heartworms in your, or any,...
I need to save money any which way I can ... so I'm thinking about trimming and filing my dogs' toenails myself. With Willow's bleeding disorder,...
We have a flea epidemic here at my house ... the dogs and cat get treated regularly with Frontline Plus, but the fleas seem to just be laughing at...
Do you know of anyone who has taken classes on one of the 'online universities' like University of Phoenix or Kaplan, that sort of place? A...
Are there other pet search utilities/sites like petfinder.com ... that search the shelters and rescues for dogs/cats/horses/birds ... by breed,...
Starting a new thread off the Lap-band thread, so as to quit hijacking that one ... *blush* Anyone belong, or wanting to join? I'm going to...
I once saw something you could put on a dog or cat's coat to help reduce the pet dander ... or maybe it was just to reduce the allergic reaction...
Separate names with a comma.