I know that Santa was at McD's on Exit 319 yesterday...... Does anyone know of any other Santa visits nearby? My SIL doesn't want to go to the...
I would be so grateful if you wouldn't mind checking for me MJMChey! My youngest is having a birthday on the 14th...and he's requested PRangers....
Hey guys! I'm hoping one of you has a power ranger cake pan that I can borrow or buy. I know I can get one off ebay, but this would be much...
the: it's a womans body, therefore a woman's choice
How many GB should the hard drive be?
Do I need a certain numner of GHz? I need to look for P 4 or any 3 numbers in front of an "M" I'm really sorry for being a pain in the butt!
http://www.ubid.com/actn/opn/getpage.asp?AuctionId=701991522 What about this one Ken and DDRDAN?
How do I know from the SN whether it is stolen or foreign?
New Laptop from EBay I just got my christmas bonus early! I've been considering purchasing a new laptop.....would you purchase one from China? (Ebay)
Thanks Ken! I'm going to see about pricing and what I can find that looks compatible - if you don't mind, I'll put a link on here for you to ck...
I'm about half scared to try wireless now! I have Windows 2000 installed and have 256 RAM.
What? How can someone steal my service?
Cool - thanks!
I have an IBM Thinkpad 600. It came with a 3Com 10/100 LAN CardBus. I'm thinking it is not for wireless connection, but am not sure. How do I...
I wound up ordering a new phone...the i205 which is internet compatible. I ordered the data cord from the site above. Now, I'm not very...
I have an i30sx Motorola thru Nextel. I will definitely ck out the link - I can't beat $60 if it works and frees us up!
We generally spend most weekends camping once May hits. I am currently attending school online for my bachelors. I have a laptop and roadrunner...
Separate names with a comma.