A lot of you know I lost my chihuahua suddenly several months back. Now a friend of mine has a 4 year old chihuahua that she wants to give me....
You could try Yard Rite. The guy that owns it lives in Pleasant Woods S/D. He used to work with the company I work for but left a few years back...
I can't go Friday after all. :cry: My DH will be packed and waiting on me to get home from work so we can head to the lake. Y'all have fun!!!
Happy Birthday Koo!!
Sherry your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
We're going the weekend of 9/19 also!! Except we're going to Kure Beach for a wedding. We're going down Friday and staying at least thru...
:iagree: That's what I heard too. A friend of my daughter moved in a few weeks ago.
Any word on this one??
That was a good one!!! :lol::lol:
Thanks for thinking of me bandmom....but I hope (fingers crossed) there were only the 2 of them. So far no others have been seen and we still...
I am a reality show junkie...I can't help it. :lol: I do record Two and a half men each week because I think it's really funny. My DH watches...
Stephenson's Heating & Air. 329-0686
Ok, I watched it. I actually felt sorry for 12 pack....don't know why because I never really liked him. I think Flex had too much of a temper....
That brought back some memories. I remember the Jenny / Greg and Liza / Tad days on AMC. I used to love that show. Haven't watched it in years.
I'm the same way. I can't stand Daisy but I watch it anyway. You know the old saying about watching a train wreck. lol Anyway, I've not...
nsane, I know you did not just post that nasty recipe!! :lol: Tell ya what, if we catch another one, I'll call ya and you can tell me how it...
I miss reading seabee's posts. :cry:
It's the middle of August. I'm not doing anything really fancy...plus another girl is helping me out with it. So I am not going to stress it....
Congratulations Kaci!!
Separate names with a comma.