Oh, I hope not!!!!! They have the best chicken salad among many other things.
Tell her to find her local chapter of JDRF and call the American Diabetes Asssociation. They will help her. She can also go the forums at...
No, it wasn't. I don't know if I could have handled it in 3-D!!!!
I am probably the only one who had not seen this movie, but we went tonight and saw it for 2 dolla' fifty cent. YAY!!!! Fabulous movie....
I'm glad your family is safe!!! I saw the marks today driving down that road and wondered.
Watch for the double copay days at Dr. Williams. I have been a fan of chiros for years, but that is waning. I got more relief from physical...
Still stop by :mrgreen:
We have been having trouble with DSL and phone all summer long. Phone would go out every afternoon when we had that really hot spell. Last week...
Somewhere I heard that deaths from people on the side of the road like your situation are one of the highest rates of accidental death. Glad...
I have heard it called a Guardian Ad Litem, surrogate
I have very dry eyes, i do not wear contacts. I tried the Restasis-very expensive and burns more than just a little, as their add says. My...
I'm originally from Chicago and the great parts have already been touched on!!! Definitely Cubs/Wrigley, pizza (Lou Malnatis or Gino's East are...
This happened to my mother. 83 living alone. Fortunately in her case, they found the guy and shot him dead when he tried to run from then.
Lantana there are 2 types, an annual (dies every year) and a perennial (comes back every year); this is the perennial. I have some, they are...
Taylor Hicks is going to be here in Raliegh. He is playing "teen angel" (the Frankie Valli part) in Grease at DPAC if anyone wnats to see him LOL
GRRRRRRRRR!!! trouble getting on FT now and I planted grapes today. i hope i dont lose them. trouble all over FB though why do they work on...
I am also a hopeless Farmtown addict; I have been playing for about a month, I am at level 31 I have been known to sit in front of the computer...
Board meeting is the 28th :)
Allegro is great, comes in different flavors. Its pretty much worcester sauce based, but really good. great for game
It was up to the schools as to when the exact day they gave the test. It just had to be sometime this week.
Separate names with a comma.