Very good post. Thank you! You're exactly right about the diet mentality. I have always loved my sweets and junk food. I mean, I eat my...
I've read that too. That's why I don't exercise....don't need any extra weight right now. :mrgreen:
My DD was on her way to school around 9:10 and she got stopped in traffic. She couldn't see what happened because of so many cars. She ended up...
100 Ounces of water??? You've got to be kidding me. There is no way on God's green earth that I could EVER drink that much water!! You go girl!!
I think he thinks he's being his own strange way. He has only stopped and gotten doughnuts once in the past year until last night....
Ok, you are not gonna believe what my DH did last night. My all time favorite food is.....Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I could eat my weight in those...
Yep, that's a problem I'm having as well. I'm not a water drinker at all. I've been putting crystal light in mine just so I can get it down.
Kaci, I'm starting off trying the Flex. I started this morning. If I don't feel like it's going too great, I might switch to the Core plan next...
Me, Sassygurl, and Kaci ended up going. There were a LOT of people Of course Kaci and I had to get at the back of the line twice...
Ok, I'm already I'll head back up that way shortly. I'll have on jeans and a black & white top with black flip flops. I'm also meeting...
It's about time!!! :)
Well actually, I don't like either one. Guess I gotta start somewhere though. :ack:
Works for me. Do you know everybody Kaci??? Have you heard from Michelle today???
Walking/exercise??? What's that??? :mrgreen: Maybe that's why I'm in the shape I'm in now....not enough of the above. I will definately have...
Ok so tonight at Holland's it's gonna be.... Sassygurl81 Kaci Michellegrl77 Me Michelle???? Does everybody know everybody else?? I only...
Cool beans! I'll see ya there!!
OK, this is getting ridiculous. In the past 2 weeks I've had strep and tonsillitis. Then yesterday I got this stupid stomach bug that my DH had...
I'll be there!!! It'll be good to meet someone else from the board!! I was told to try to get there around that a good time??? BTW,...
That is awesome!!! Way to go!! :hurray: I'm so jealous...I can't wait to start on Monday night!! I would love to lose 12.2 pounds in a...
Ok everybody, please post tomorrow if you end up going. Let us know how it was. I'm still on for Monday night....Kaci, Michelle, Breezy, you...
Separate names with a comma.