Ready2Seemyking, AMEN!! I cannot praise God enough for all he has done and continues to do for me!! He is an awesome God. PAT
I'm hooked and visit this forum daily!! I'm a 66 yr old female. Retired banker. Originally from New Bern. Moved to Clayton in 2001. Married to...
We were shaggers until I got sick. We just loved the dance and the music. Fun times and happy memories. Pat
Yes, it seems like gaining weight is inevitable when you quit smoking. BUT, I don't think it has to be. True, we substitute food for cigs when...
I decided to quit two days before thanksgiving!! Used the patch and have not smoked since. I was smoking 2 packs a day. I had an advantage...
People get so upset about ANIMAL cruelty!! How about cruelty to CHILDREN. I tell you no human being would keep me away from my child. There is...
I believe that most parents know their children better than any one else. In todays world it is unthinkable that any doctor would not allow the...
That song is so sad because there are children like Alyssa out there!! The sad thing is that we usually don't know until it's to late or we don't...
This is why we don't eat out!! You really don't know what you're eating. Now, don't come back and say "most kitchens in homes would not pass...
Going to Fantastic Sam's today. Terrisa is very good. Never in a hurry and tons of patience!!! Hover if you want (I would never get out of...
Wayne, I'm not very savy on the computer. Know only the basics at best and then I'm dangerous!! Could you send this to my email address. So...
Tams, I'm sure the person that started this topic HAS A LIFE!! BUT, this is a message board and some people think that gives them the right to...
YES, I voted for Bush. I do not agree with every decision he's made. BUT, every time Kerry opens his mouth I'm sure I made the right decision. I...
I don't like WIMPS. When you start something, finish it!!
Gee Thanks!! I was not gonna sleep a wink tonight worrying about it!!
I'm new here!! So, I broke the rules. I just needed the info on BJ's ASAP!! SORRY!! What happens to me now?? Since I'm a newbie, please show...
What's the problem with BJ's optical?? Was planning on going tomorrow for new glasses. Could any body make some recommendations?
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