15 DWIs @ 1 checkpoint in 1 night!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ready2cmyKing, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Yep I agree also!
  2. Centurian

    Centurian Well-Known Member

    You guys are incredible. The police get 15 drunk drivers and other violators off our highways, and you want to criticize them based on rumor and inuendo.

    Why can't we just say. "Thanks for the good job, officers!" ?
  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    We did (read all pages of the thread)!!! :mrgreen:
  4. Master_Shake

    Master_Shake Banned

    What rumor and inuendo? It's a fact that these officers have no probably cause to stop your vehicle. No probably cause = illegal search and seizure. As paranoid as I am about my daughter driving home from work on Friday and Saturday nights I don't want hundreds of people rounded up and searched, so to speak. Let's look at this from a different angle....

    You're driving home one night after working a late shift minding your own business. Out of nowhere you see the police in your review mirror and they pull you over. The officer gets out, walks to your car, and asks for the usual paperwork. You ask why he pulled you over and he says "No reason, just checking you out". Maybe you'd be mad, maybe you wouldn't. But what if it happened the next night and the night after?

    As far as I'm concerned, it's not a big leap from stopping your car for no reason to coming to your house for no reason. I think this apathetic attitude of "Well if you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to worry about" is going to lead to some very bad things happening. All it takes is one ever zealous D.A. and a judge who backs them up and before you know it you're being arrested, charged, and held in jail with no real evidence against you.

    Think it can't happen? Well just ask this guy...

  5. Steve

    Steve Guest

    I was followed home by a Wake County Sheriff last night from Wake Forest all the way to Bedford. I was sober and my truck is legal, but it is still unnerving to be tailed by a sheriff just because you're out at 2 am.

    I have been through an Operation Eagle type thing leaving the same bar after work in the last couple of weeks. It's a real pain in the ***.

    Last year I was pulled by a trooper for not swinging out a full lane as he had someone pulled over on 95. there was someone in the other lane and I could not btw. I got a big lecture on how troopers had been hit by motorists in the line of duty and how dangerous it was and then Mr. Protect and Serve informed me that he was going to let me and my wife sit on the side of the highway for 10 minutes so we could see how it felt to be exposed to this danger.

    I was pulled on 70 a few years ago early in the morning on the way to an event in High Point and the trooper made no bones about the fact that he pulled me because it was a big white van with two long haired guys in it. When I showed him my DL that said ******* Court on my address, he asked me if that was a trailer court. I informed him since I made more money in the month of May than a trooper makes all year it was not necessary for me to live in a trailer court and to either ticket me or let me get on my way because I actually had things to do. He ticketed me for some bull shyte charge I can't even remember and it was dismissed in orange county.

    I think that police and troopers do a dangerous job and provide a vital service, they take a lot of crap and end up shot at some domestic disturbance and display more balls than me to do it, but no doubt there are more than one of them who are over zealous AND abuse their authority.

    regardless, they deserve our respect and gratitude for what they do.

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