lol - thanks I saw Rocky I,II,III,IV,V. Rocky was a dude. I had a pet raccoon as a kid named Rocky, he was a male. The Rocky Mountains are surely male. Why would I think she was a he?:lol: Wouldn't the female spelling be Rockie? I thought SeaBee was a girl until she got banned and came back as a he. I need a spreadsheet ....
My EX was a female. Heck I guess 7 is good for a modern male. But then again I don't tell women what they want to hear I tell them the truth! LOL I guess I will remain single. :lol::lol:
1930s Marital Scale [SIZE=+3]102[/SIZE] As a 1930s husband, I am [SIZE=+2]Very Superior[/SIZE] Scoring: 0-24 - Very Poor (Failure) 25-41 - Poor 42-58 - Average 59-75 - Superior 76+ - Very Superior
I think the wives need to answer for the husbands, and the husband answer for the wives, and THEN see everybody fares!!!!
s 28 nut scratchin' beard stubbled stinky footed big eared sob BUT i do hold the door open for a lady! (and make sure I lock it tight behind so i never have to hear her naggin' crap again)
I scored 95 - Some questions were so outdated though. Wear stockings in the house? Wear face cream to bed? (well, maybe some people still do that) I like the questions about being respectful and loving to your husband. That's the key to a happy marriage I think.
I got an 18, so it looks like I fit right in :jester: I guess it's a good thing that I'm gainfully employed
I took it for my husband, and he got a 122. He's my prince! Haven't shown him yet, but I got a 90 when I did it myself. Yes we are both spoiled.