lol I am done. sorry....I usually don't like people saying stuff like that even if they were trying to be cute or not. Struck a nerve.
"My issue is with covering up." Don't think so, ServerSnapper. You seem more titiallated by the possible opportunity of catching a peek at a woman's breast than anything else. In one reply you wanted your subscription to your porno webcam service to also include churches and other areas that women might be breast feeding their child. As some of the other responses have been, do you honestly believe, and have evidence of women disrobing in public, exposing their breasts for all to see, then lifting their child up to feed? Come on! You just ain't right!!!
Is this discussion STILL going on? Ya know, I *do* plan ahead... I bring my boobs with me everywhere.
Do yourself a favor and dont think. Better yet. Hit Alt-F4 then turn your machine off. Box it back up and send it back to circuit city.