Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by n4tcp, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. PeeWee

    PeeWee Member

    I went to the 40/42 McDonald's this morning and they didn't have any coffee! I was ok when I couldn't get a frappe one night because they were cleaning the machine. But, NO coffee @ 9am on Saturday morning because they were out of filters? That's just dirty low down!!
  2. keemom

    keemom Well-Known Member

    I haven't been to KFC for years, but my dh was away this week and I was home with both kids, craving mashed potatoes. So we went over there and ordered some food. My mouth dropped open when the lady wanted to charge me for honey mus-My Friend....seriously? Like I didn't just pay enough for crap food? She told me to be happy it wasn't as expensive as it used to be. Then we got home and the chicken was so disgusting that we couldn't eat it AND my daughter got sick an hour later from the little bit she did eat. Guess I learned my lesson!
  3. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    I can't stand the KFC in Clayton on 70. I can't tell you how many times in the past they were out of chicken during dinner time and like you said, it was going to be at least a 15 minute or more wait. I mean, if all they sell is chicken, (the Taco Bell doesn't matter) then how do you let yourself run out? I also think the prerequisite for working there is to have an attitude..because the arrogance, indifference and poor customer service have made it such that we no longer go there at all. The front counter people act like I should be honored they are even taking my order. I tried writing the owners a long time ago and surprise...no response.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    The one in Knightdale is worse, if that's possible. It's a freakshow every single time.

    Isn't it amazing how far customer service has gone down the tube? And most people expect you to just shrug your shoulders and accept it, because after all..............it's "just" Walmart or "just" McDonalds.

    I for one, am tired of doing business with folks who don't appreciate it. So I am making a conscious effort to not patronize these places. I don't expect the red carpet to be rolled out, but I do expect reasonably quick service and from an employee who is a notch above surly. I'm sure they don't care, but it will be good for my blood pressure. :jester:

    I went to the Clayton Walmart last night, needed a few things for DS this week and didn't have my coupons with me, so WM it was. They had everything on my list, the cashier was pleasant, took her time bagging my order so it didn't get squished and all in all, it was very pleasant.

    Well, except for the aisle hogs who act like they are the only ones in the universe. :lol:

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