OMG 2nd comment First, thank you BubbaJane, I told B he had to ride in the christmas parade (as a joke of course and he was like NO WAY) whoever you are, we are quite amused about Sat. night I assure you, B had a major haircut Sunday! Anyway, I think if parents had been told via letter or automated call or whatever the TRUTH with the who, what when where how details. We all would have felt better. The vagueness of the letter sent out just caused parents to burn up the phone lines to each other to find out info. I think you should not worry about the political correctness or games or risk 'shedding' a bad light on our school for the sake of mass confusion. Why not tell us up front what happened instead of us seeing it on the internet or through snippets of speculation. Folks get out and vote for your school board seats, do your homework and choose wisely. I have seen things working in the schools that just make me so disheartened, but not enough to give up on getting my teaching degree. I still love the kids (and FOES) and after all isn't that the priority?
I think they have to be vague because it's an ongoing investigation. When something is under investigation, you can't say much about it.
Tomorrow evening, Mr. Parker will be hosting a meeting of PTA/PTO and school parent advisory councils at a dinner at Clayton High School. Perhaps, calling tomorrow and asking your school administrators to ask what the policy is might shed some light.
Keep in mind that when it comes to telling what a student has done in school, the school and school system must abide by the Federal Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA). If they tell the classroom in which the incident occurred, it could be narrowed down to identify the student. They cannot identify the student. Parents cannot be told of specific disciplinary actions against any student other than their own child for the same reason. If a student who is in trouble can be identified easily by information the school/system puts out, then the family could take the school system to court! (And in this day and age when an 89-year old woman could go to jail for not giving back a football that she's told the kids to keep out of her can just imagine the law suit the parents could bring!) Now that being said, I agree that I'd want the information all of you want regarding this if it had occurred at my children's school. Keep in mind that the law forbids you from being given the specifics by the school, however.
No one asked who the child was, or what happened to him. The media will play that angle. My concern, and that of most of the other posters, is the poor communication between the school and home (regardless of whether the principal made the decision how to play it, or received "guidance" from higher. We deserve better! Good governance and administration is transparent, and the communication should be forthright, BOTH WAYS. It's a safe bet that the identity of the child will be known and in the public eye within 24 hours. There are 20 some kids who know, and no one in school should tell a child to not tell Mom and Dad what happened. By an exponent of three, those people will be relaying the word. If the school system had been timely and forthright, countless rumors would have been prevented. Bad news, like fish, doesn't get better with age.
The school doesn't have to tell you about what happened. Just like if your kid comes to school with lice, they don't send out a flier naming them as the culprit. It may our right(as parents of children in the school) to be informed of the incident, and perhaps that could use some tweeking, but we don't get to know the child's name or the logistics of the situation.
To me wanting to know "the who" is just plain old noseyness. You need to be told of the situation by the school and that it was handled by the authorities and that's it. I'm positive the parental rumor mill gets the rest of the info out there just fine.
Agree. We just need to make sure the schools handle these problems correctly and that parents are well informed.
Lkauppi, my son T, was also in the pageant... :-D Now, secondly, I received the letter the NEXT day and it stated, "A child was caught with an inappropriate item at school." Now, to me, this could mean as little as a dirty magazine and as much as the handgun itself....and everything in between. It also stated to "please inform your children of what is appropriate and inappropriate to have in school." Now, this letter was sickening to me. Had I not already known of the actual incident, I would also burn down the phone lines wanting to know what the "inappropriate item" was. It's MY RIGHT to know of any "potential" dangers my child may encounter while in school. It is my child, not theirs. That's the problem. The problem isn't who it was or which class the gun was in. Heck, the gun could've caused ANY child in that school harm during recess or lunch. I feel like they're only trying to hide it because they want to keep their reputation. That spoils the reputation in itself. Honesty is the BEST policy. Am i wrong?
Mine is a teen now but when she was in elementary school she reported seeing bullets on the floor in her classroom. Sure enough, the teacher found them and found some in the hall. They found the little boy with a pocket full of bullets. They met with his parents and all was taken care of. Seems the kid was putting all kinds of stuff in his pockets and shoved in a bunch of bullets as well. Scared the poop out of my kid as we don't have anything to do with guns. Just glad they found out who and why and it never happened again. Now, a loaded gun is much different. Drive on over to Tony Parker's office and don't leave until you see him, if you have not been informed of the situation and feel comfortable that all has been taken care of. Different times, Sherry
I disagree with the idiot label. Not arguing that he isn't self confident. As for the overpay, he does what everyone else does, try to get the maximum compensation for the job he applied for. Take his pay up with the county commissioners. I do think there are too many administrators, too few teachers. And I do feel that the school system is run as several personal empires of a fiefdom.
Now now ...your government has taken those taxes for education because they know what's best for you. You must assimilate and not ask questions. If it were a university we could all take our money elsewhere ...but that would never work with grade schools. The government says so, so it must be true.
:iagree: Total BS, if it was properly secure this wouldn't happen, also did it have a trigger lock on it.
Well, with the Second Amendment these fine folks let a nine year old walk away with a loaded gun. How's that for your government? If it were secured the nine year old would not have it stuck in his pants at school. Secured...right............... Sherry
You just can't help yourself can you? For heaven's sake, this is NO ONE'S freaking fault but whomever was supposed to be taking care of him. :banghead: