no no no, the ball actually has a magnet in it to attract all the kids at once :jester: I love watching ds play he is really into it and its the only sport he can play at 4
I have witnesses too, and a few pics, not too many though! We were all too busy having fun without men and kids around!! I need to have more girls weekends away, but I sure do come back exhausted!
Home of the Big Fat Ugly and other stuff. Or if you prefer Craig
I actually like that you can buy Spam now in single serving sandwich size packs. Throw it in pan and fry it up, toss some mayo on two slices of soft white bread, slap the greasy Spam on the bread with a slice of cheese, and that's as Alton Brown says......"Good Eats" Craig
love the shirts Craig
Try a sinus rinse! You can get this at a drug store only. Well I should say most any drug store because I have a hard time finding them anywhere else. It's the best thing I have found to help your head feel better. I find it much easier to do once I've taken an sinus med to help open things up a bit. Then rinse per the directions. It's feels funny to start with and you might feel like you breathing water sorta like when your swimming and you get water in your nose (which that is what you want to AVOID doing) but if you hold your head like the directions say you WILL FEEL a huge difference! kinda like a nose colonic! :lol: I wish I could get baby koo to do this b/c she seems to have inherited my sinus issues. The doctor told me it helps with allergies too. It doesn't get rid of them, it flushes the allergens out making it easier to breath.
Kell please don't start any trouble today. I've got to get some work done and I don't have time to stay on here. Be good for once . . . . . you trifling fluzzy (is that how you spell it). :jester: