I thought I told you about it? Via FB? Anyway.................DH is making his wings........come and have some even if you don't need any Tupperware. :cheers:
Thats how she lures everyone to her house parties! She promises those wonderful wings!! :jester: (j/k KDC... i love ya and would be there even without the wings...<sniffle>) :mrgreen:
Wings without beer would be like Sunday without Football. BTW...for those interested Hall of Fame Week Sun, Aug 09 BUF @ TEN Fawcett Stadium 8:00 PM on NBC
maybe you did, i need to get caught up on FB, DGS had my laptop held hostage the entire week he was here:lol:
:mrgreen: Gotta love it! Regardless..............I didn't want to wear folks out or get my hands slapped here. 8)
hey, let me know what you got, the kids are setting up house for the first time - gonna be weird, just me and DH left after they get married in Oct:lol:
I don't think it will be anything they need, LOL. Used tires, a turtle tank, a kitchen table (grr) a car. I'm cleaning house!! But if I run across something uselful, I'll let you know! :mrgreen:
I want a new turtle tank! <pout> Anybody want to loan me the money to buy Kdc's turtle tank? LOL j/k....