Just Wow... http://www.wral.com/news/strange/story/6247718/ Ohio football mom blasts school with sign in yard She oughtta be looking for a refund from her son - he's the one that didn't hold up his end of the bargain. Wow.
Possibly might not be for human application (i.e. put to use for an industrial/hobby application or for a pet).
I feel like replying and saying "OK, *I'll* take it to the dump for you". lol http://raleigh.craigslist.org/zip/1430186000.html Chewed recliner (S. Raleigh)
This is going to be a long night. I have test tomorrow and I'm not even halfway through studying. Gotta get back to it...:x
I doubt you could help me with psychology. You're out of your mind. I am too. We'd make a terrible team.:jester:8)
doubt,doubt, yes slightly outta my mind... psychological warfare is my specialty by the way... I was offering help , not looking for a teammate....:jester::jester: did you fall asleep with the book in your hand?? :lol:
that's how I roll, I mean 'hump' where is everyone and why is this board so L-A-M-E lately? :? Jen, sorry you aren't feeling good chicky. :grouphug:
Probably all the troublemaking Obama backers are to ashamed to be posting these days... Oh you must not of gotten the memo from O-mans team to avoid subjective forums... :jester::jester: