Oh be nice C B! This is an equal opportunity board. :lol: Kell, I'm just guessing everyone is either sick or crazy-insane-busy. I know I am. I've been told that if I survive this week, I'm golden until Dec 5th. I just hope the professor stands true to his words. :neutral:
Good Morning Sassy! I am going to see Queensryche and Lita Ford tonight and I can't wait!! :hurray::hurray:
hey girl so I do the car line every afternoon at RW and OMG I hate people who refuse to go around that frickin fountain... I want to make a sign that says "You are not special, follow the rules" :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Kell, I agree with the others that people are probably extremely busy. I know it has been that way on our end until this week. Getting ready to ramp up again. Sherry
JK, I'm sorry you are sick. What can I do? :grouphug: KB, I've been trying to be busy (if that makes any sense) :lol: Sassy, have fun today. It's gonna be NICE!!! :cheers: Happy Hump Day!!! :hurray::hurray:
I will have the house to myself this weekend. :hurray: Tryin' to decide if I will stay home and enjoy the solitude or head up and visit my sis. Decisions............decisions.............decisions.................:lol: