I hate when all my kids say is what they don't want. The other might I made spaghetti, and my oldest daughter said that was fine as long as hers had no sauce on it. So just plain spaghetti noodles? Kids are crazy. I may go on strike too and just buy a bunch of Chef Boyardee! :lol:
Currently debating picking up dinner or doing sandwiches.... And trying to decide if I should stop by Minute Clinic on the way home or not....
Good one. You are on your toes tonight. Must be from staring into all of those neighborhood windows!:mrgreen:
Don't worry...I won't turn you in...unless you are staring into my windows! Do you live near Archer Lodge??:shock:
Then I will be sure to put on a show when I make coffee tomorrow morning, just in case! 8) On another note, thanks for ditching the scary coffee grounds gorilla!!
:jester::jester: PLEASE do not do that!! Good night! Thanks for sending me off to bed with a BIG grin!:jester::jester:
is so ready for tomorrow, going scrapbooking tomorrow night and all day Sat. havent worked on my stuff in ages!! BTW Kodak has .09 prints right now holla:mrgreen: