ok, this could go 2 ways. one-liner, or serious study: 1. Answer: None, the tornado took the roof off back in august or 2. quite a few variables, there, son. depends on where she's sittin. how wet is the snow? if it's dry powdery, prolly more than if it's the typical southern wet snow/sleet/frzing rain mix. how much junk is in there? the more stuff, the more pressure on the floor, resulting in the roof bearing more load. if your place is full of stuff, it'll take less to buckle that bad boy. also, did you go fancy and set that trailer on a brick foundation, or are you blocks and underpinning traditional? might make a difference too.
I just heard a reporter on WRAL ask a newspaper carrier if his route took him through a lot of residential areas! Ya think??? I feel for them out for hours and hours just to show what we already know...it snowed. Whew...slow news day!:jester:
I love living in Johnston County. Out riding the 4 wheeler in the snow this morning we saw way more ATV's than we did cars and trucks.
Dear HOA - I do not know who that is riding the 4 wheeler in the snow. Disregard the tracks leading to the woods behind my house.
hmmmmm...Wonder if McK's is open. Could go sit up there and enjoy their heat instead of turning up the heater here at the house. :lol:
If I catch those on the 4 wheeler I'm going to ask them to make a food run for me. Chinese sounds good. Sherry