my dvr messed up last week and i missed Lost so got both recording tonite and will watch tomorrow night, i am spoiled, i hate having to watch commercials anymore
ya know... I only watched one episode. It was the first new episode for the last season. Talk about having some catching up to do!
we watched the first season and said forget it! i got too irritated b/c they would not give any answers! :banghead:
One of these FINE days, my kids will learn that when I say the night before school, "make sure EVERYTHING is packed up that you need for school and that you have......", they will do it. This was DD's day to discover this as I refused to go back to the house to retrieve an item she needed for a school function. Oldest DS found out during football season. :jester: My other DS, middle child, is either wise to this or he has seen his siblings suffer and used it to learn the lesson. :mrgreen: sigh.......the perils of responsibility. to say it........ ATLEAST I'M NOT THE ONE LOOKING LIKE A DOOFPOT!!! lollolloloolooloololololololollllol that was just WRONG, huh?
I ended up taking DS's snack to school this AM after he'd already been picked up by the bus. I forgot to pack it. Perhaps it's time to put that on him.
no, not wrong at ALL!! I refuse to retrieve too! The only way they learn is to forget a few times....least it worked for my two....
I try to remember to do that as they are doing homework. Put the next days snack in the backpacks. .. When DS1 knows I've forgotten he loves it. On the way to school he asks and it's then that I realize that I forgot. I give him change from the truck to buy snack with. Ice cream. DS2 passes. He'd rather just have the milk. The milk money, on the other hand, I put a weeks worth in a plastic bag. If they lose it or pay up too much and have run out by Friday, it's on them. Lesson learned. Always pay attention when you count your money. Up until this year snack was easy for all of us. I put a weeks worth in a pencil box and kept it in their backpack. This year I don't. Too many books in the way. The bags are heavy enough as it is.
Got out of my routine somehow this morning. In his class, they don't get to buy milk anymore for snack(I don't know why) or I wouldn't have bothered, milk would have been enough. I usually fix his breakfast and throw his snack in his bag right after making coffee. I used to just set it out next to his stuff for him to pack, but he'd overlook it and there he would be. Yes, I know he technically won't starve, but he's so freaking skinny, I try to get every calorie I can into him. I used to put an extra in just in case he forgot one day, but it just ended up getting squished. I like the pencil box idea!!
I can relate to the skinny. DS2 east like a bird. And he's picky to boot. Not your usual picky either. He lives off of cereal, pop tarts, ritz crackers and granola bars. We give him Muscle Milk protein 'shakes' nightly as a supplement (½ of an adult serving, mixed with milk, supposed to be water). He no longer looks like a cancer patient and is up to 65lbs. As far as "real" food goes, he'll eat chicken nuggets :ack: and cheese pizza....we have a lot of pizza. ... I have a 6pk of Ensure and 6pk +3 Pediasure that he won't touch if anybody wants it. He USED to eat all kinds of food. But he's stopped. When he sees raw meats he says he wants to be a vegetarian. We do get him to taste of different things every now and again. We've found out..eating is the one thing we can't MAKE him do!...not without bringing psychological therapy into his future.
I can so relate!! DS also weighs about 65lbs, you can count his ribs!! He's 10.5 years old. :?We also eat a lot of chicken, to the point that I think we should all sprout feathers because that is about all the meat he will eat. And very little at that. I also try not to make meals a battle because I don't want to torture him like our parents did us with the whole clean your plate thing, but it is so frustrating. I just try to keep in mind that both his dad and I were extremely thin as kids, so maybe it's just genetic. (Don't know what the heck happened to either of us when we hit 30 though, LOL) :grouphug:
It's kinda like gossiping. If they are trolling you, then they are leaving some other poor soul alone. :cheers: