That's what you writing says. But we all know how you are and how you conduct yourself now and from history.
INCONSEQUENTIAL???? lol. You mean IN CONSEQUENTIAL? I know what you mean. But you have proven my point more than once. Many times in the past. So relevant or not.
Kaci is cool people. Why are people on here accusing others of being liars today? Guess I need to post on the Sick and Tired Thread for the rest of the thoughts. Sherry
Hey SS, Did you mean "your" writing says. Don't throw stones at Kaci on her words unless you are free from doing the same. Just sayin'. :lol: Sherry
so Sherry and you not having dinner tonite? maybe she will change her mind, I will pm her for you. I think she kinda likes me
no i mean inconsequential:lol: from Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Main Entry: in·con·se·quen·tial Pronunciation: \(ˌ)in-ˌkän(t)-sə-ˈkwen(t)-shəl\ Function: adjective Date: 1621 1 a : illogical b : irrelevant 2 : of no significance : unimportant — in·con·se·quen·ti·al·i·ty \-ˌkwen(t)-shē-ˈa-lə-tē\ noun — in·con·se·quen·tial·ly \-ˈkwen(t)-shlē, -ˈkwen(t)-shə-lē\ adverb no offence but i knew it was a word - just responding to show it is a word and has been for quite a few years:lol::lol: