Lots of extra thoughts and prayers for your aunt to get well. If you need anything, just call. :grouphug::grouphug:
Thank you again everyone. We are some tough cookies, hopefully she will start to improve soon. :grouphug:
i am so sorry to hear kdc, will definitely keep your aunt in my prayers and thoughts and sending positive thoughts your way, if she is related to your family i am sure she is a strong fighting woman:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
My GM just called, they have her strictly on IV now, no more attempts at food and are going to scope her shortly. She's too sick to even talk on the phone, which for her, she has to be really bad. ; ) Thanks you all, prayers can't hurt, that is for sure.
Sending thoughts and prayers your way!! Sure hope she gets better, or doesn't suffer any pain. Keep us informed!! :grouphug:
Thank you. :grouphug: Just waiting to see what if anything they found today. I'm trying not to blow up my Grandmother's phone. We have a large family and she gets worn out with the calls. Nobody is posting anything on FB, so I can't even keep updated there either.
Well, since they can't seem to figure out what the problem is, they are slapping a bandaid on her and sending her home. :banghead: She's had a heart attack and can't keep down food. This sounds like an EXCELLENT plan. :evil:
Doesn't make sense but she must be darn tough to have taken you in during a time much needed. Don't find many family members that will do that. She is my thoughts as well as you. Sherry
She's a rare breed for sure, she would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. I love her dearly, they broke the mold when they made her. On the other hand, she is tough when she needs to be. She's the one with the dairy farm. A cow kicked her right in the face once when she was being milked and shattered my aunt's nose and cheek bones, requiring reconstructive surgury. Aunt was back milking the next week. Not much keeps her down.