A place for random thoughts....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    It appears the "Political Pit" gang has broken out of their confines and are now posting across the board. :jester:
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Same with the most of the high priced "Organic" crap, when in reality some of those foods are so much more dangerous then those foods that are not.

    Also, all those idiots that freaked over the "Pink Slime" beef product, knowing what I do about e coli, I would eat the "pink slime" burgers any day! As a result of the nations little tantrum hamburger prices will rise and the product will be less safe.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I laugh at the folks all into that "organic" label. Marketing at it's finest. My uncle has a dairy farm. The farm next door is "organic". What a load of manure.8) They produce and farm in nearly identical manners. Fertilizers, medicines, etc included. The other guy is just a big fat liar. But gets twice the money for the milk. So stupid.
  4. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Thunder!! :hurray: Love a good thunderstorm!
  5. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Some people need to crack open a dictionary and look up the word "organic". They will find that all foodstuffs (except salt) is, by definition, organic.
  6. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    These are great! Are they the ones? How were the head and eyes made?


    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Yes, this is my picture. Thanks for posting it! Aren't they cute??

    For the head I used gumdrops. I flattened them out between wax paper with a rolling pin.

    I bought the eyes at Michael's Craft store.

    I used black decorating gel for the nose and ears.
  8. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    So the eyes are not edible?

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    Yes, they are. I got them in the cake decorating dept. :)
  10. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Anything that disolves naturally is considered organic to i believe. Anything that is grown or living to? Then dies is organic. Just makes common sense clif.
  11. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Organic means it was once alive and consisted of organs.


    Things that dissolve are "bio-degradable".
  12. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    That'd be kinda sick if you had to pluck off the eyeballs before you could eat it
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    30 more mins :cheers:
  14. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    Bored, omg ready to be off work. Ready for my weekend :cheers:
  15. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Going to Oyster roast with the wife this weekend in Murrels Inlet.
  16. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I think you got 4042 confused with Facebook again. :lol:
  17. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Ohh I thought this thread was about random thoughts...Well. That was random. I am not a facebook junkie like the rest of em.
  18. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Happy Anniversary to me and DH!!! :hurray:

    10 years ago we got married in Pigeon Forge, TN and for our anniversary we are spending a long weekend at a friends house at Emerald Isle, right on the beach!

    I Love you Craig!!
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Really hard to not let the "mama bear" come out this morning. :neutral:

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