I'm allergic to fabric softner! At least the scented kind. Glad Downey came out with the Free & Clear version..............DH was tired of scratchy towels! :shock:
I just bought some Bounce earlier today, with the highest scent level. I can smell that darn stuff every time I walk into my laundry room, and it is unopened. Careful what you wish for!
OOOO I can't stand scratchy towels! My dad hangs all his clothes and towels to dry so his towels are like that. Nothing like drying off with sandpaper!
Mine weren't quite THAT bad, but definitley not soft...................actually fabric softner can build up in your towels and make them less absorbant.................we don't have that problem......
We are all about STIFF Towels that dry you off. At MIL's beach place you can NEVER get DRY w/ the towels - one of fabric softner build up. Plus the mix if odors/scents send my nose into a twitch.
I think thats the solution, send all of MissPrissys scratchy towels down to Gitmo and we will have that whole mess cleaned up in no time. :mrgreen:
Is drinking a yager bomb while downing a viagra/cialis and smoking a joint a bad idea? Or do they just kinda cancel each other out? Craig
I HAVE AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF BAWLS! i mean, obviously they all cost money ($2 per) but i have as much bawls as i can pay for!!!! I have a confession to make: I love bawls.
Read that and though, what's a Bawl? http://www.bawls.com/ Like you really need more energy, young 'un? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Haha, oh i do! i do indeed! and there is so much to be had =DDDDDDD which is why i love bawls. also they taste good. and there are so many jokes to be made with the name. "Bawls" rofl.
Bawls - caffeine = 80mg per 12 oz. Fruit2O energy - caffeine = 120mg per 16 oz. Also, has B vitamins. I beat your bawls with my fruit. :lol: