You are right. It is not appropriate and that's what makes us uncomfortable. (oldest) pre-teen barely youngest is 4 years behind oldest In support of your statement that the man's instinct kicks in when he percieves a girl to be "available", I will admit, both my girls look older than they are and both are very beautiful (yes, I'm bragging :mrgreen: ). I mean, my oldest gets looks from boys her age and older now. I know that is normal and it does not bug me (too much :? ). I just will not ever be comfortable with the way some MEN leer at my girls.
EXACTLY!!! Again...EXACTLY!!! I resent being told that I should just accept it because "it's their culture". I DON'T LIVE IN THEIR COUNTRY! It's NOT okay HERE!!:x
Not that I ever have a "random thought", but I wish that the user banner on each post would list the user's gender (like the dating sites do). Not that I'm looking for a date, I'm just tired of getting confused as to the gender of some of y'all.
Hey Clif, i'm a girl:lol: That wouldn't be a bad idea though, i have gotten confused on genders too with some of the posters, especially since we have so many new ones. Maybe in the location section, folks could post "Female in..... or Male in....
Announcing it here won't help in the long run. Y'all also announced it in that "Who Are You" thread a few weeks ago. That would be a neat idea, but try and get people to do it.
That made me laugh you hotliciouslykissableisticlymanjawdroppingheartbreaker. If you can read it.:mrgreen: :lol: