Speaking of hearing things. I am sitting here with the windows open no tv or radio on. I hear this spooky sounding stuff like you hear in the movies. I went closer to the window and do you know I can hear the announcements from McGees middle or elem. It just sounded so spooky. I think I am over tired!
I have super power hearing abilities! Sick child from yesterday remember? Ain't playing hookey. Think I will take this opportunity to clean since one is at school and the other is sleeping. Woo Hoo cleaning without having to stop every 5 minutes to referee an argument!
Oh, that's right, J is sick.....what's he got? what's the symptoms? Just so I can keep my eye open.....
Yesterday stomach and head bothering him. I know he wasn't feeling well b/c he didn't eat much and he kept falling asleep. This morning went to wake him up and his stomach is still bothering him and slight fever. Let him sleep it off for now, I will probably wake him soon to get some liquids in him. :cry: my poor baby. LOL
It sucks when the little ones are sick. I need a drink.......and it's only 8:30. Y'all say a prayer for me today, I'm gonna need it! :lol:
one of mine was soooo sleepy today....but ate last night and this morning....but I will keep my eyes open. They have the first 'math club' meeting thing today, so I hope they don't start feeling poopy, and we have wolfpack football game this weekend! No time for sickness!
Not really crampy. Every time they say they have a stomach ache I ask..... does it feel like someone punched you or like you have to go to the bathroom. Last night he said both. Jen I will be right on over ...... Is the ABC store open?
Just stressful. My DH is in trouble with me, that's always a great way to start the day, right? LOL Then I have this thing going on at work, whooppeee! Not bad persay, just stressful.
Isn't the Math club thing after school? I think I didn't sign mine up b/c with DH being out of town I wouldn't be able to get him to it.
It's after school, till 4:30. And if he wants to be in it, I can give him a ride home. After he is well, of course.